It’s still alpha anyway, what we’ve seen so far isn’t necessarily everything.
It takes away from Void Elf identity. Yes, I am bothered by that.
I think it would be more productive if people ask for what they want to see, rather than what they don’t want others to have.
I say that all the time. People spend too much effort denying others.
I would support much of it too. Dark ranger customization? I’m there. Someone said they wanted purple eyes for belves too, I don’t see why not, I’d use the heck out of that myself, tattoos, I’m there, piercings, I’m there.
More customization for all, not less.
(Exasperation): For the life of me I’ll never understand why Blizzard didn’t do this to begin with. Umbric is a great character and would’ve been just as fine coming from the Silver Covenant as from Quel’Thalas.
While I don’t support everything people ask for, I certain don’t bother them with repeated denial.
Yeah, I’ve never once gone into a thread for an AR request and said no, or argued against it, even for races I flat out didn’t want added.
I just don’t play them.
It’s almost like you don’t support others having the right to opinions that aren’t yours.
Yes, and she STILL turns purple in combat. So Entropic Embrace needs to stay. She can’t even touch her paladin husband, so they can’t be paladins themselves. Oh, and regardless of which side of the political spectrum they were on before, they are NOW Ren’dorei. NOT Sin’dorei or Quel’dorei. They ARE the Children of the Void.
Me too! The forums would see a new Lann! My warlock would be the vision of Undead perfection! That tattoos you mentioned would look good on undead BEs too I think.
I want an assortment of tattoos for literally everyone. Runic/mage like ones for belves and velves, farstrider ones and ranger-esque ones for velf/helf customization, glowing options, I want little cogs and gears for gnomes, and that would work for goblins as well, and dwarves.
Azeroth Ink!
Yes please!
This isn’t quite true. They hold hands briefly in the Three Sisters comic. Sure it triggers the whispers for her, but what doesn’t?
They were wearing gloves.
(Observation): They were wearing gloves the one time they felt pain when touching as well, in the audio book.
I doubt the primordial energies of Light and Shadow would be held at bay from causing a massive explosion because of a couple nice pairs of gloves. Besides, that just deals with Void and Light touching from without.
Whether Alleria and Turalyon can have a proper date night is irrelevant to the point of Void Elf Paladins anyway. From what we’ve been told, since Void Elves have Void within their bodies, and Paladins have Light within their bodies the Race/Class combo would be incompatible.
It gives new meaning to no glove no love.
But they want it.