True, but this could just be to allow Void Elves the ability to have their Void form look like Alleria’s without removing the current one.
Mmhmm. Could be.
But if that’s the case… then they’re still making Entropic Embrace editable. So it’s a perfect time to let them know we also want to be able to turn it off. Could be serendipity.
I didn’t know they planned to ruin Romath.
We’ll see how things go. It would be nice if the Blood Elves would stop being the forgotten passenger sleeping in the back of the Horde car.
They’ve been in each expansion as either Sunreavers doing their own independent thing. They had a chance to do Blood Elf stuff in Warlords of Draenor but it got cut and you just don’t actually see them again until the end of Legion.
Black Elf Lives Matter
Yeah, he was basically just going to have the same role Sauranok the Mystic ended up with, but a little larger.
Romath is one of the most interesting characters in WoW so it would have been quite a loss.
He’s the opposite of a one dimensional character.
Now can we have tall dwarves since we’re inventing new models that look good but don’t make sense
Exactly. All too often a character who isn’t a 100 percent perfect goody goody is just made into a villain by someone who gets handed the reins and doesn’t understand the character.
Or some nonsense reason like the Mongrel Horde. That was totally an idea worth exploring and so suits Garrosh’s character, especially on the heels of his Orcish supremacy movement.
Yeah, one of the most popular allied races by far is a failure.
Rommath is one of the more interesting characters. It would have been a shame if they hit him with a villain bat.
That depends on the context…
As a compromise to people who wanted to play High Elf players it was obviously a failure… It was obviously a failure for two years. It set the internet on fire.
But as far as being a dope Allied Race they’re fine.
There are plenty of things in the world that are successful unintentionally.
Coca Cola was supposed to be a patent medicine.
As I recall, fan outcry is why they reversed their decision on that.
Glad they put that one out there as a trial balloon.
I think the dialogue being datamined was how people found out about it. Also, allegedly the Hour of Twilight dungeon would have been different based on faction, with Rommath serving as the Horde side boss.
Similar outcry didn’t save Benedictus, but then again there are far more human characters than Blood Elf characters as it is.
Besides, the betrayal needed to have some sort of impact, at least on one side. Would anyone even have cared if the Alliance traitor was as forgettable as Sauranok the Mystic? “Oh no, Lieutenant Doren betrayed the Alliance!”
Yeah I can’t imagine that would go over well at all.
I am out of likes for the moment.
I’m still salty they turned Althea Ebonlocke into a Legion cultist.
Along with over half of Darkshire. The majority of the rest were just wasted like chumps.
The first list was a mile. This one is 10 miles.
Both are greedy and ungrateful.
I approve of getting Benedictus.
I think someone who is all in on something is way more likely to go all in on something else.
Romath really kind of famously is good at holding contrasting thoughts simultaneously. He is completely into Kael and completely into the Blood Elves.
It’s ironic that they were considering making him a twilight cultist before and then made him against the Void with Umbric.
- Blood Elf Hairstyles.
- Blood Elf body Jewelry in Silver
- Gold and Green Eyes
- a new stance
- a new dance
- a new flip
- separate selectable Voice Files
- High Elf specific /silly
- High Elf specific /flirt