New Customization Options for Blood Elves and Void Elves

Why limit it to fel and light? Blue, red, purple, mint green, orange… all those colors should be available precisely because Belves have the class spectrum needed to justify them (red for Blood DK and mages that want to pull a “Blood Magi” vibe, orange for fire mages, blue/purple for arcane/frost mages and frost DK and maybe even non magical units like rogues and warriors, mint green for monks…)

See, this is why I don´t roleplay. Can´t justify bad lore and incorporate it to make even more terribad narratives using it.

To each their own I guess… Lannisterian warlock after all is a walking lore aberration so…

Well, I dfo tend to think is a tatoo cause a scarificarion on such place with zero damage to the eye seems unprobable. I used to headcanon the rune would flash in brillian color of magic the moment the elf cast the spell it contains (you see, I headcanon those runic tatoos as spells ready-to-use by Belves; a concept taken from the FMS manga -think Mustang with his gloves-… and well, Rommath with his suspicious tatoos inj his arms post TFT helped increase this headcanon*)

*fun fact: Rommath´s Helf model in the heritage scenatio? without arm tatoos… this implies he put them at some point after the Sunwell was blown up; and I like to pretend he did it to help himself in regards to managing arcane/fel energies and increasing his casting speed).

So, no feedback is received on any other regions?

It’s open public forum, and I will post where I want to post.

However, I’ve got great news for you: If you don’t like me responding to your own nonsense, then why don’t you use that ignore button you’ve been doing everybody’s heads with recently?

And outrage? Lol please. I’m not even that invested in the whole Elf thing, I don’t even play any elves. I primarily speak from the perspective of a Horde player.

It’s called feedback, and maybe it’s you who should learn how to do it without randomly flailing around at everybody else who disagrees with you.


Why would I do that, you’re easy to refute, it’s the same reason I keep Tarrok around.

You’re more than welcome to use it on me though. :kissing_heart:

Yet you’re here almost every night trying to gatekeeper people who had nothing to do with rustling your jimmies and are only working with the avenue they’ve been given.

But sure, not invested.

Is this what antis call setting facts straight nowadays?

Seems like an odd choice of words. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


Makes it so badass tho! miss that about Blood Elves. But think about it, remember when Roy carved the flame sigil in his hand to use the lighter as ignition? YEAH.

Indeed! I loved that, it makes it something actually developed as BE culture, which such as green and golden eyes, I do appreciate.

I do like some sort of exclusivity, but when it is actually lore based and reflects the group’s culture and beliefs. Rommath’s tattoo are certainly something that only happened on a BE context, and I’d really like to see more stuff like that expanded.

(and again, I really like the concept of tattoos with magical function)


You don’t need to pay a sub for your US account. As long as you have an active EU subscription, you may post in US forums with your US account.

That’s how I do it. :slight_smile:

He does have the right to voice his opinion, this is kinda too far on your part imo. Don’t let passion for this game make you lose your self-control.


Most definitely, he doesn’t get to pretend it’s our fault though, which is what he’s been trying to pass off.

Then vilifying us by claiming it’s outrageous to be asking for more options given this being our only avenue for it.


I’m also not invested in you believing me either, it’s of next to zero significance to me. I’ve made that edit for anybody reading, and wondering in general.


As a bit of an aside, I DO think all AR should get hairstyles and related customization options from their main races. It’s just more options.

But I don’t think that should include Nightborne or Void Elves.

Why? because it would serve to expand on the cultural divide, how these AR ended up on the other faction because ideologically they are distinct. And a easy way to visualize that distinction could be to link them aesthetically to a playable race of their faction.

For Nightborne is easy; Blood Elf hairstyles (and other related options).

Now for VE’s, it’s tricky, because culturally, they are mostly BE’s that were BE’s up til recently, so this could be done to point out to what alliance race they had grown closer.

Could be Humans -likely given how most VE’s are seen in Stormwind- or Night Elves -specially Highborne, as they too have both shared ancestry and pursuits- But indeed, to connect them to a race in the same way NB are to BE.

(There’s a lot that could be done with Night Elves and Void Elves growing closer studying the dark side of the moon as well)



Not remotely the point though. :man_shrugging:


No need to be rude to them all.

We can all share our opinions without insults.

Wait what? I mean I’ve only started 2 weeks ago, so right now I’ve paid for 1 month in order to level the character on the US servers to 10, but that’s great to know. Thanks! Glad I shared that part for sure.

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Yep! I didn’t even pay for my US account - it’s a trial account, they let you play for free until level 20 :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


I don’t believe feedback is listened to better in any region.

And I can’t wait for that day when they start off their rant without calling high elf fans greedy.

Peace on earth :earth_americas:


Which are all great if we can get all of those options, but green is the only color we’ve seen in any official artwork aside from Demon Hunters and gold just going off the addition of golden eyes, but these just being the bare minimum ofc and your scenario being ideal.

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I remember it pretty well, I´m a dirty Mustang fangirl.

That and the confrontation with envy… /drools

Yup, and the best thing is that it´s something that can be easily explained by the lore. The Magisters were the intellectual authors of the Blood Knights as an elite strike force that could help the elves both in regards to the protection of the territory AND as a bargaining tool to entice potential allies. The Magisters once again were crucial in Pandaria in regards to appropiating the Anima and making it available to the Belf army.

Why shouldn´t Magisters become the intellectual authors in the design of magical runic tatoos oriented to help their Belf military and civilian units in regards to the casting of the spell? Remember, pre Sunwell PlaTEAU Belves got their magical pool capacity literally obliterated (they depended on the Sunwell to cast their magic… so, no Sunwell, no magicAL POOL); to the point the weaker between them died thanks to the lack of magic.

A runic tatoo could had been used at the timer to both increase the speed/effect of a spell for any elf that is already lacking in magical pool capacity AND help balance their own inner magical intake so they don´t accidentally take too much (I love that part in the “Blood of the Highborne” novella when Rommath candidly explains to Liadrin that the Belves are totally about balancing their lives, that their key for survival is walking the fine line between lacking and overabundance)

You’re not gonna get peace responding in kind.

We all could do with less negativity flying about in these threads I think.


It probably is to some extent, but I think their primary focus is on these forums here.

I almost never expect peace, but I’ll take you up on the offer once I see the same happen on their side. :man_shrugging: