I’m not the one confusing skin tone numbers for “customization in general”.
And is that a threat?
Naughty naughty.
Your opinion on the options is irrelevant to the fact that they are being received.
How am I teaching people this?
Take that up with Blizzard, most high elf fans did not want that, we’re just asking for more customization options that fit the new aesthetic they, introduced, you to can throw your gatekeeping tantrum at them.
As big as your objections are, you can’t use them to justify denying player requests for customization when blizzard themselves set off this fire.
Can I say that you both are being needlessly antagonistic to each other?
But I do have to point out that given that BE’s also have DH and DK skins so they have 9 skins that VE’s have no access to? Restricted and all, but if we are going by the numbers game…
But again, I really feel what you guys are arguing is very nitpicky, non?
Well, Void Elves are getting fair tones regardless, so it would be wise to try to capitalize off of it now, in the interest of the Blood Elves/Horde rather than just being contrary, especially when it won’t amount to anything aside from discontentment.
You didn´t see the atrocious body jewerly dataminers were sure it was a jewerly customization for MALE Belves (I mean as if the “lul Belves have No males” joke wasn´t overdone already). Talk about a lucky dodge we had back there.
It was creepy AF… imagine jewerly that looks like the bead ornaments one hangs on a christmas tree actually hanging in a similar way from the neck and hips of the elf models (literally… same ondine patterns and all). It looked ridiculous, and helped to perpetuate the “but Blood Elves are sUpErFiCiAl BaRbIeS!! nO SuFfErInG iNvOlVeD!!” BS bad joke devs love to use in regards to Belves.
As I said in my first post today, I rather get more global customization options that can fulfill globalized aspects of the race. I don´t like the implication of “availability” on a skin tone already programmed into the Belf race is good enough to restrict other stuff that can actually be new and innovative (and better yet: that actually can reflect the actual lore narrative of the race).
To put it simple I don´t want to imply to the devs that taking the absolutely less effort path with the Belves is A-OK cause guess what: then they WILL take advantage and implement basic stuff in concordance to their lazy ways (if Legion and BfA proved something, that was that Blizzard devs are lazy AND non creative in anything that´s not the “selling point” of the expac).
That´s why I push sao hard for scars and runic/arcane tatoos, cause while DR only fulfills ONE RP fantasy and demands minimal effort from the devs, these other two can be used with every class -yup including DH- AND give a more serious perspective to the players that get an introduction to the playable race.
As much as I despise Chistie Golden´s biased narrative, I do concede she tries to sell a much more humble and serious image regarding the Belves. She doesn´t try to sell their image as Barbie cosplaying an elf, she does sell them as people recovering from PTSD and accomodating their lives in accordance.
In regards to more UD fantasy… how about actual vampire custromizations (as in looking emaciated, big bad teeth, etc.)
That´s no scar, the BE box art portrays a runic tatoo. I want those but customized to look bright like the Nightborne ones do. And Rommath needs to get his tatoos fixed, they look like mere paint… they should look ethereal and bright, magical.
My opinion is very relevant in that those minor customization don’t make up for aesthetically cloning the BE race. Many others’ share my opinion on this, so it’s very relevant.
Your opinion is irrelevant in the context of whether we should see it as proper compensation or not. Sorry.
Where do you think I’m posting right now? Reddit? This is the exact thread Blizzard announced the changes in. Yes I am taking it up with Blizzard, and I will continue doing so as much as I see fit. Thank you.
Edit: As a matter of fact, this entire US account exists for the sole reason of giving feedback to Blizzard on the forums they have their focus on (it’s their region afterall, who can blame them?). Yes I pay subs on both the EU where I play my characters and the US to provide feedback, I see it as further supporting the devs, so I don’t need anybody to remind me of who to take feedback up to.
I will preface by saying I support DR customization in the sense of undead customization; as in undead elves agnostic of race, I certainly do not wish it to be class locked.
Undead Elf customization would allow for not just the already in game DR skin to be playable, but more options (more emmanciated, even with bones) Not because undead elves are already possible with current in game assets would it mean for them to not be given more care, just like WIldhammer got; they were already in game, they got more assets made for that fantasy.
Personally I like undead elves for the lore implications of it all, but I do agree that runic tattoos and scars would look good.
Are you sure? to me it looks like scarification (a tattoo made with scars) Regardless, IMO, both scarification and runic tattoos would be nice.
This is fair, I also don’t support forcing Void Elves into High Elves either. While I do support fair skin tones to better emulate Alleria, Void Elves should be developed with respect to their own racial identity which includes class selection.
And while swapping hairstyles is nigh inevitable, I also agree they don’t need to be 100% the same and hope they keep at least a few exclusive to each race.
I understand the sentiment, but by definition measuring what you have contrasted by other race is a fool’s errand. Also by definition, that would mean VE’s should have to get a lot more hairstyles and hair colors to have the same amount than BE’s. And VE’s only have more skin colors if you don’t count DK and DH skins.
Why do you feel BE’s are getting less overall options than VE’s, when the opposite is true?
I would agree, but personally I don’t see an issue with sharing some options. But that goes both ways, so I could live with no BE hairstyles for VE’s. The issue here is for me, that something is shared, doesn’t make it lesser.
Well I would like that those opinions wouldn’t be considered as core HE I don’t agree with any of those. Not that I am against all of them, but they are just not necessary. Might be controversial, but I really don’t care if High Elves keep calling themselves high elves.
I also think the name Void Elf is dumb so I wouldn’t mind another name for the thalassian exiles that’s just something else
IMO I don’t think they have to share hairstyles, but if they do, make it limited. TBH, I’d rather see VE share hairstyles with humans, and Nightborne with Blood Elves.
And TBH I don’t support VE’s becoming HE’s either. In my perfect scenario their average would be something in the middle of the spectrum.