New Customization Options for Blood Elves and Void Elves

I would personally make the case that BE skin tones have three flavors: Regular, Undead and Fel, while Void Elves only have two, Regular and Void.
So there’s that.

Also the fact that 4 VE skin tones look laughably the same, so definitely not a case of quality over quantity tbh. BE’s have a wider fantasy array.


You’re going to need to do some heavy lifting selling that idea I think

You do think, cause I see it.

Blood elves have no-color(pale), regular, and dark pink/reddish, skin tones.

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I’m talking specifically about major customization choices. Ones that actually matter.

Hair, Skin, Hair Color.

You’re sitting here spewing whataboutisms.

bUt YoU hAvE tWo EyE cOlOr ChOiCeS (literally no one cares about eye color outside of the high elf pUrItY circle) aNd JeWeLrEy (Male Blood Elves have jewelry? Since when?) AnD mOrE cLaSsEs!!!11111eleven.

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You mean a normal range of low melanin skin tones?

I really want her to have to face Yrel in a Tyranny of Light expansion. That would be a TRUE test of faith for Liadrin rather than the “the light still loves you” redemption she got.

What if the light is not good tho? How you deal with that? Now THAT’s interetsing.

It’s for certain some sort of regression, but I do think that sort of arc has merit. Comfort over actually questioning.

The fact that BfA’s Horde atrocities did nothing to make her question anything could certainly be used to hint her zealotry is already going to far. Could be very interesting to see her actually called out on this.

It could be SUCH a great arc, because she is the only major paladin that has seen the light from both sides and could make use of a deep soul searching in an expansion where the light is the bad guy.


Sure dear, cause alpha totally not boycotted the -frankly useless and fugly AF- jewerly stuff (bless God!! Those things looked like the bead ornamentation used for christmas trees and the Belves like the christmas trees themselves). And if you are talking about the almost invisible earrings Belves had had since TBC, then you argue in bad faith, dude.

There´s this thing called “noticeable”. And earrings are not noticeable enough; on the other hand, skin color is VERY noticeable. Don´t hide behind quantity to justify getting all the freaking Belf stuff, casue I repeat: this is how “but muh Alliance Silvermoon” moronic petitions start. They start when people sees other people asking for too much regardless of compromising.

My money’s down on them going all Babylon 5 and “They may look like good vs evil at first, but it ends up being a large old fight and neither side cares about the younger smaller races other than as weapons against their opponent.”

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i mean, xal’ateth pointed out how the naaru never talk about who were in the army of the light before the draenei

Sorry you don’t get to say “customizations” and not count them all, and eye color does matter, I’ve never seen blood elf players ask for anything more than blue eyes, so nice try.

And so far, Blood elves still win in that too.

But keep moving the goal post.

Sorry, your opinion on the customization options does not mean they don’t have more customization options.

Just because you’re not creative with transmogs doesn’t mean body jewelry isn’t noticeable.

Besides, the most noticeable aspect of blood elves is there 2 (now 3) blaring eye colors.


You’re moving goalposts.

My post was exceptionally clear that if Void Elves get a carbon copy of the Blood Elves then they will get all the Blood Elf customizations plus keep all their own and that it won’t go both ways because tentacle hair and blue skin.

I don’t see why this is so hard for you to understand.

Belves suffer from “same looking skin tone too”… currently we go from pinkish white to pinkish pinkish to pinkish brown and that´s it. Most of the tones are quite similar and frankly only the new incoming ones DO look different.

Also, I love how you people DO count the undead tones exclusive to DK in this argument but totally ignore it when trying to sell the “buut, buut!! DaRk rAnGeR customization in exchange!!” excuse as a consolation price. Congratulations in indeed pointing why Dark Ranger is a bad lazy compromise.

If ceding the current haircuts (including color) will take people like the worgen out of our hair, then I say give those to him; ion echange I´ll ask for actual new EXCLUSIVE haircuts (at least two more for each gender), runic tatoos similar to Nightborne ones AND scars.


I’m pretty sure he’s got them hooked up to a remote controlled cart at this point.


Purple. I’ve been asking for Purple almost every chance I get. Also Red. I’m partial to orange too.

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Eyes changing color based on magic school when casting would actually be fun.

Dude, I don´t use helmets. It can´t get more “creative” regarding earrings. And the body jewerly abomination basically had to be used in bra and panties, any armor choice inevitably hid it or worse; clashed with it badly.

This without the connotation that the design was the most unpractical thing ever from a RP PoV.

I´m gonna be blunt: you would be ok with taking our CURRENT haircuts and haircolors as long as you NEVER EVER get the new ones available, nor tatoos nor any other actually visible customization option devs deign to give to the Belves? Cause if you´re gonna continue with this same “argument” 1 year from now demanding Belf stuff for the Velves, then I don´t see why we Belf players should bother entertaining you when you would come as a clear member of the “me, me, me” crowd.


Red eyes go great with Dark Ranger customization!!!

I am one track minded on this, I will continue the fight for Forsaken Blood Elves!


Says who?

If we’re sharing so many things, I think Blood Elves should definitely share some of the void elf hairstyles if they want them. :man_shrugging:

No I understand, you’re just being dramatic and unrealistic if you think Blood Elves will come out at the end of this with less options than Void Elves just because of regular skin tones versus the ugly blue skin tones no one wants.

They won’t.

Thank you for proving my point, but blue was definitely the biggest one for blood elf players. :man_shrugging:

Yup, because they should get different things than blood elf things.

Void elves deserve “regular” hair styles, they don’t have to be carbon copies of your hair styles.

It’s pretty simple :man_shrugging:.


Now you’re gaslighting my valid concern that Blizzard will carbon copy Blood Elves and not compensate us at all.

I’m a mathematician. I can tell you that 18 is more not less than 12.

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Cue someone writing a multi-paragraph screed about how we have no valid concerns.