New Customization Options for Blood Elves and Void Elves

Man, the only thing that reminds me of Magic Mike is Fluffy.

I got it from selling all the mats on each of my characters at once. lol

And I got lucky selling some island expedition items.

Iā€™ll brb, crying forever.

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Yeah, I get my gold from farming old raids, mats, and professions. Having Tailoring still benifits from bags.

Guess Iā€™ll slide on the Hot pantsā€¦

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Avarie, Iā€™m joining you for this show.


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Awe well I hope it all works out and you can use them! Iā€™m rooting for the lore for the wayfarers to be added thatā€™s all I want on that end of things.

I will be using them yes! My priest is my former BE, and my mage will be my former HE, but they will both use the new customizations! If entropic embrace has a visual toggle I will only use it on my priest and turn it on only when Iā€™m in shadow if Iā€™m shadow but rn I am not shadow.

Iā€™m more waiting for word on Dark Ranger customizations for BE, my warlock will be a Forsaken Blood Elf! And for night elves Iā€™d like to see younger male facesā€¦ and I hope that transfers to Nightborne too!!

Iā€™m excited for all the jewelry all the Elves seem to be getting or assumed to be getting too!


Lance and I used to get gold off of TCG items we had laying around. Now I kill pirates for a living.

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Iā€™m excited for the jewelry as well. I hope the whole bit about the body jewelry being removed is just a temporary measure.

It would be a true shame for them to add more random NPC only flavor bits in the expansion where new customization seems to be the driving factor in place of new races or classes.

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Canā€™t confirm but I thought I saw somewhere that those are not on the latest alpha build. :sweat:

And about the velf thing, itā€™s not a huge deal to me personally. I do rather enjoy my Nelf characters, but still main a human because my favorite class is pallyā€¦ /shakes fist at blizz for no Nelf pally yet.

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Watch out below, ye barnacle-bottomed swine!

Donā€™t mind Sharkbait. He just needs taā€¦ empty his hold!

This is why Wildhammer druids need to be a thing with a beard option that has Twig/Leaf/Flower/Nature options.


Would go good with the green hair option theyā€™re getting.

Me too. If Iā€™m not mistaken, this patch they changed the way accessory textures were presented, and maybe they need to do the same adjustments for the body jewelry ones.

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I hope so. It would be a shame if they got far enough along into development to be put into Alpha, only to be removed without so much as a ā€˜how do you doā€™.

It says something that the most clicked pictures in the OP were the void elf onesā€¦ hmmā€¦

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I canā€™t believe itā€™s not Blood Elf!
(If I had level 3 I would post a picture of a certain butter substitute.)

They cannot avoid our charms. :purple_heart:


Absolutely nothing! :hugs: