New Customization Options for Blood Elves and Void Elves

I’ll use them with a couple of conditions.
-no entropic embrace (turn off visual)
-if we get a few new hairstyles
I’d either make my hunter or priest a velf.

But iam looking forward to what the nelfs are getting. Fingers crossed the stuff comes soon.

Are you utilizing the new customizations?


Oh, I can’t wait to see what they have to offer for the Night Elves. But they need to fix up those casting animations for Night Elves. Ugh, they’re so bad.


Me too! :heart:

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I like some of my Druid castings, haven’t played too much but I like the look when they pull down the sun and lunar flares on the enemy.


Yeah, those looks nice. But it doesn’t suit well with the other casters classes though.

Mmm… Could still work in my Alteraci joining the Horde to try to retake their home of Alterac. >.>

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I never liked the DBZ style casting. Or the male’s headache casting.

That is what is needing to be fixed.

I still need to get it. :frowning:

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Should get it Avarie. It is only 120k to get, and don’t need to be exalted with any faction.

I do tend to think so.

I just have to amass some gold. I’m poor.

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Which ones? The males?

Yes, definitely the males.

Also, if Tauren are getting Leafs, then i better be getting a tree in my hair.


No worries… I finally got around to getting the travelers mammoth mount… got tired of asking for the repair bot in m+

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:frowning: I wish I could help out, but I’m on the wrong server, and broke as getting mog pieces that are too low of a drop chance.

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It took a lot of street corners and mailboxes for me to earn.

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I can never stay above 50k… lol

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Man, and I missed that?

I wish I could get around 50k…

I am struggling with only 14k now… And I wish my computer would stop having a fit and allow me to play the game so I can farm for the gold.

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I retired from my Magic Mike days.

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