New Customization Options for Blood Elves and Void Elves

To red eyes and baby pink

They’ll probably just clean up Undercity, i can’t imagine Blizzard not connecting the capital with Calia’s new arc.

I can’t imagine the future Forsaken story revolving too much around the plague and death and decay.

I’m pressing the delete button on my keyboard but nothing is happening.


Will you be using any of the new VE customizations Ely? I am excited for them but more so for the possibility of undead BEs of course.

Renology? The fine art of battling Cloud Strife and his friends?


Yeah that’s certainly possible.

One of my ideal scenarios though would be where the alliance dig in at Alterac, return Dalaran to Hillsbrad and build up Stromgarde/Gilneas. Forsaken dig in at Stratholme and Lordaeron is recaptured by the New Scarlet Crusade with that story that appears to be brewing. They’d be the major third party villain in the rejoin maybe with some other side groups and any other rampaging scourge left over from the Helm being shattered.


I do enjoy a good Final Fantasy 7 reference. It is my namesake for my gaming roleplay since way back when.


The thing is, real player housing (at least far as my experience goes) isn’t supposed to be tied to progression, resource acquisition, or player power. It’s supposed to be a diversion, a time and resource waster, that we’re happy to waste time in.

In FFXIV I can decorate my house my way (at least as much as the furnishings allow but it’s a lot). It has very minimal functionality such as access to my retainers (bank space and ability to list things on the AH), and access to the aesthetician (barber shop). I could also add a few NPC vendors that sell very basic things if I want to but it feels weird having “strangers” standing around in what’s supposed to be my living space so I don’t.

Basically, real player housing (to me) is supposed to let you put some “you” into your home and WoW’s garrisons just didn’t allow me to do that as far as I’m concerned.

Here’s a peak into my FFXIV house during last Christmas:

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Believe me I wasted a lot of time and resources making my Auction House.

But I do know the type of housing you mean, I did play SWTOR and spent most of my account time in Housing.


Definitely needed some conflict up there, couldn’t just let the Forsaken explore a story where they aren’t fighting humans constantly for once.


he he I did too. It was a worthwhile investment imo, and far cheaper than the longboy :stuck_out_tongue:

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Yeah, I loved the player housing system in Runescape back when I used to play it.

I’d like your post, but I’m all out. Please accept this heart instead. :heart:


The only mount I found to be a worthwhile investment is the Yak as Transmog while leveling is super important for us Pretty elves.


Those are the WoTLK ones. Here are the BfA ones.



Mog mount = best mount!


AGREED. As soon as I get a new piece of gear I mount up to mog it asap because heavens forbid my outfit aesthetics get ruined by badly matching accessories!

That yak is a bargain at twice the price. Though I have begin carrying the consumable mog engi items for those times when mounting up isn’t an option.

I mean, it doesn’t matter how well I do on the meters if I don’t LOOK GOOD while I do it!

“Well pumpkins it looks like it comes down to that age old decision. Style… or Substance?”

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Professionally fabulous.

Agreed. If WoW never added mogging, I would’ve quit for good years ago.


I might have as well. Transmog is one of my biggest reasons to keep playing. Though I’ve been playing even more now in anticipation of our new customization options coming!

Yes please! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: