New Customization Options for Blood Elves and Void Elves

Would you care for a tissue?

So we arenā€™t denying it. :rofl:

This is not a good direction for you guys to take the conversation so Iā€™m going to move on.

Who likes red eyes?

Denying what? I offered you a tissue, since you seem to have a issue.

Plaguelands might be a good place for them to settle down in.


I donā€™t mind Reno. Though there is times where I have had disagreements with him, but hasnā€™t been as bad as the other Antiā€™s.

Oh man, will you give it a rest. I said I went to far calling you ā€œTrollflakeā€, drop it and leave it. Otherwise Iā€™ll be gladly to do it again.

Also, you should follow your own advice, considering you have been quite rude towards me badly in the past too.

Or Ghostlands, the whole Lightā€™s Hope place might not take too kindly to Undead living there in the plagueland, even the nice onesā€¦

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Surely, youā€™re not calling me an Anti.

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I I mentioned this in every debate I prefer the alliance I donā€™t like the horde I only was red because my wife wanted to play horde for once


The garrison had its good points and bad points for me.

As a type of player housing it failed miserably. The ā€œcustomizationā€, if you can call it that, was exceedingly limited.

As a source of revenue and utility it was fantastic before the gold got nerfed and yet still today can pump out respectable amounts of gold via bag making/selling and can give free sprint or invis pots that donā€™t care what level you are daily with a lvl2 alchemy hut + follower.

Hard not to prefer allianceā€¦ I mean, we have night elves and thatā€™s all any one needs.


Iā€™d be fine with that. I just want to see something done with Alterac. Thereā€™s a lot that could be done there through an Alliance story. Maybe Stromgarde still wants it like that did after the Second War? Maybe Isiden Perenolde emerges as a worgen now to stake his claim. Maybe the Dwarves want to claim it as part of their territory?

That could be pretty cool too tbh.

I support this 100% completely. Iā€™m sick of them both. Better yet if theyā€™d fall down the Maelstrom never to be seen or heard from again lol.

Stratholme could be a cool city to give the Forsaken.

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Nah, Iā€™m calling you a Professional.

Itā€™s gotta stahp burning at some timeā€¦ :hushed:


Iā€™d much rather it as player housing instead of my lame class hall fantasy forced on me.

At least I had a jukeboxā€¦

Well idk if you know this but Alliance won that warfront as well, so the Alliance is kinda in prime opportunity for ā€œaggressive expansion up northā€.

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So pointing out your behavior means that youā€™re going to respond by insulting me do you not realize that it is self defeating?

Yeah I like alliance because we got wolves and thatā€™s it

Yes and undead BE customization for the Dark Ranger aesthetic that is so befitting those who want to be Forsaken Blood Elves!

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I agree it was a bad thing for her to call you but she did edit it out, letā€™s just move on, Bro.

Professional at what?