New Customization Options for Blood Elves and Void Elves

Yeah I saw that too, wasn’t very nice.

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I’d like to know what Dalaran is like when it isn’t, used as a war city for a world ending threat.

It was obviously human, gnome and High elven before wrath, i imagine khadgar had it turned into a foster home for the red side as well now, even without the need for it as a 2 faction city.

Or i could be surprisingly wrong. :pray: :pray: :pray:

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Not very original either

Well that’s one nope.

Doubtful. I don’t think many look back fondly on WoD but that might just be my own personal bias. I still rank WoD lower than BfA on my personal scale of worst to best expansions.

I quite enjoyed my Garrison littered with Belf Guards and Belf Mission workers and Belf flags and my Belf Waifu who would always get herself killed for still living her dream as a Warlock Demon Hunter which I’m still mad got removed as that’s why I made my lock in MoP.

You can make whatever excuses you like Sarah we both know you’re not being very genuine. You wouldnt have said what you did otherwise

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Let’s be respectful, she’s Sara without an H. Let’s edit that H out.

I’m not saying WoD didn’t have some things that weren’t awful. Just that the bad far outweighed the good, at least for me anyways.

Im using a mic its tricky

That is true, Reno mentioned alterac which should really be used so I’d support that too.

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Oh no, I’m not saying it was a great expansion given they chopped an entire zone clean off and left us without w/e became Netherstorm, I just liked my Garrison for it’s customization.


But give him time. :man_shrugging:

Yeah, I’ll be waiting for the green notifications.

Hopefully something comes of it especially if we do get some type of timeskip! I think a lot of people are tired of the flip flopping when it comes to Dalaran. Alliance players don’t like their iconic mage order being neutral and Horde players don’t like having to rely on an Alliance mage city and order when they have their own orders.

Hopefully if there’s a timeskip Khadgar goes off to do guardian things and we can get some new development in Dalaran and they rejoin the Alliance again. Maybe even have some new High Elf Mage character that becomes the head of the council and have some mention that Dalaran is officially their hub. I’d love something like that.


You aren’t helping your case when you respond in such a rebellious fashion . If you want people not to perceive you as rude, dont repeatedly mock them.

I mean, it’s him and Reno probably, so nah.

But like i said. Give him time.

I just picked Alterac cause I feel the plaguelands should be really neutral and until Undead get a new spot to chill, I feel they could hang with their bros in Silvermoon, the whole Alterac area seemed like prime real estate for Alliance expansion.

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I wouldn’t mind scattered hubs, with portals between them, and a council of leadership.

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Or takes a vacation, and takes magni with him. :nauseated_face: