New Customization Options for Blood Elves and Void Elves

That seems uh… Lazy.

Oh wait this is Blizzard we’re talking about… Lazy is the standard quo.

Blizz is lazy, I mean ARs don’t even have an Undead skin for their DKs. That’s all the proof you need that they wouldn’t put much thought into a scenario, I mean there aren’t even any Ballista operators. It’s like they threw it together in one night just to go with the cinematic.


I imagine a blizzard developer, I’m going to read the post to see how happy they are for the costums

and what you find a discussion of siege weapons say are high elves or void elfs

his head explodes hahaha

Welcome to High Elf threads 101. Off to 20k we go.


Blizzard said it themselves they care about gameplay before Lore you should not be looking into the ballista issue so deeply


You know in Ghostlands, east of Tranquillien next to the lake, there is a tent there that is blue, and is occupied by the Blood Elves.

No allied race has received any undead skin options sadly.

You do realize this works against your arguments right?

That really is a shame as undead skins are part of the fun of making a DK.

What about voices?

Yeah, they’re in Azshara, as mentioned in the scenario.

Sorry you don’t understand donations. :man_shrugging:

Nonsense, that’s a void elf tent Sara, Shadows proved it.

There’s no such thing as Blood Elves.

:rofl: :rofl:

no difference in voices either. :frowning:

I’d like to see Quel’Danil get revamp into a bigger village. But also for Dalaran to finally land back in the Hillsbrad crater as some kind of Alliance foothold. If I had to pick a city for Alliance Thalassian Elves I’d have some story where they become the leadership of Dalaran. Or at least the majority of it anyway. A lot of them are already there so it’s a good spot for them to call their official home.


That is nice enjoy! I do not like it as much at all, the Forsaken are not friends on that faction. And I love my Blood Elves who are friends with the Forsaken better than High Elves who are friends with humans, and former High Elves should the lore support the new VE recruits. But I love them too the Alliance I mean.

The quality dips even more. Can we just erase BFA?

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Maybe the expected timeskip after Shadowlands will wash it all away.

Really? It was too much to add a slight modulation?

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I wonder if people will look back on BFA fondly in SL.

Apparently, the only DK defining aesthetic Blizzard saw fit to implement were the blazing blue eyes for allied race DK’s.

Being rude isnt warranted. Calling me trollflake isnt cool


You’ll find my answer right here

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