New Customization Options for Blood Elves and Void Elves

Well, with the possible of a time skip after Shadowlands, I am kind of interested to see where Dalaran would be placed, as well as how the world would look.


Shhh, that’s a secret!


I mean Blizzard makes plenty of bad decisions all the time, so for them to casually re-use assets without any thought isn’t crazy at all.

I have no reason to think this at all. Silly of you to assume this of me.

We are due for another world re-vamp and update.

It could end up near the quel’danil lodge!


I agree. Though wasn’t a fan of the world revamp that took placed in Cata. Some of the best zones will never be the same.

I’m in Telogrus Rift right now looking at blue tents. Looks like the Silver Covenant has set up camp here. Oh wait, it’s just the Ren’dorei. Sorry about that. Easy mixup considering they share heritage and themes.

I was thinking they could turn all of Alterac into some brand new Alliance place and slap Velves and Wildhammers there.

Maybe spruce up Gilneas for Worgen and Nelves… tho them winning Darkshore kinda negates this.


I don’t know how Quel’danil would feel about Dalaran moving into the neighbourhood. They’re not exactly fond of arcane magic.

I miss the Linken quest in un’goro but some zones like Silverpine are great pieces of Undead storytelling.

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I am not going to be using the new customization I am going to use stuff like purple eyes or things that look very void like void elves don’t get to use the DK customization xy think they haven’t shown anything for it so far I recently went back to the alliance because that’s my preferred faction

when 2 3 people come in to comment here, they make it toxic, the conversation was very cordial a pity

Sure is tragic when it happens, I love a lot of people here, in both kinds of ways.

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I wonder if the undead BE skin will be available for VE DKs.

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Baby I don’t know are you really want void elves to get their own unique dead skin

Do AR DKs not have undead skins? I don’t have SL pre-ordered, otherwise I’d have a VE DK.

They do not

Neither do I, so I don’t know.

I can’t imagine it being astronomically difficult to distinguish 2 models by color and choosing the correct model for the scenario, but yes, blizzard is definitely an indie company Reno.

Yes, tent color is equal to war machinery models shadows.

Find me those void elf ballista yet?

Find me the crew of that ballista yet?

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