New Customization Options for Blood Elves and Void Elves

Sorry, we don’t all want to strut down silvermoon, some of us fight for a living :dog:

I wasn’t aware the Silver Covenant had a copyright on the color blue.


Them and the Alliance.

Huh. What a weird coincidence you’ve found shadows. :clap:


You should be upset that there’s no NPCs manning them. That’s deserting your post. A Shameful act to be doing in a time of Dire War.

Where do you live again? Oh right Stormwind, because your country is a blighted cesspool.

At least we have two gorgeous Summer Homes. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

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Excited to play a black elf!

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Yay for hopes and dreams.

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Welcome to the modern age, where nothing will end.

Oh good, we also recognize they’re high elf owned, thank you again Reno!

Forgot how hard it must be to shoot a giant arrow and trusting another race to be able to do it while they go off with their leader on a separate mission. :man_shrugging:

I honestly feel the portal to Northrend should have been to Wyrmrest Temple and the portal to the Broken Isles should have been to Dalaran since canonically Dalaran is in the Broken Isles now and not Northrend.

I mean I kinda get why they did it, since we have a Dalaran hearthstone already and Wyrmrest isn’t exactly a primary hub, but I agree with you it’s just… weird.


Well they are High Elf in design, same as the ones Blood Elves used in the Heritage quest since you know, they are High Elves. So yes, we can confirm the High Elven like Ballista are indeed High Elven in design, we just don’t know who brought them except that they are from the High Elven race which narrows down the Suspects to 3.

I wouldn’t want a filthy mutt to handle delicate weaponry.

Looking at the wowhead entry… it doesn’t show any faction tag at all. Not even one for the 7th Legion which is strange.

Wouldn’t put it past Blizz to forget stuff.

I agree. But I think the portals should’ve gone to the actual continent city, not some other zone outside of the city.

But then have other portals to other areas of those continents too. We recieve a portal room just for what? To lose a lot of portals.

1 actually. Since Blood elves have shown to have red ones of the same design and night elf ballista don’t look like that, but let’s not connect dots for the sake of arguing for arguing sake. :man_shrugging:

Oof how toxic, what did happen to the old Reno.

Shameful behavior from someone who is supposedly a superiorly intelligent race. :face_with_hand_over_mouth::face_with_hand_over_mouth:

That’s not all you’ve tried! :laughing:


I wouldn’t say that.

This would’ve made more sense lore-wise, yes.

I would hope that after Legion, Dalaran would move elsewhere. Would be cool if it landed back in its original spot.

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No, it’s still 3

Could be High Elves, Void Elves or Blood Elves.

Night Elves have their own Ballista and I wasn’t referring to them.

Blood Elves are still fair game as Blizzard reuses assets all the time, sometimes in poor fashion.

Worgens are Filthy Mutts on the Alliance. I wouldn’t want them to handle Delicate Elven Siege Weaponry with their flea ridden hands.

Would be a nice little Alliance Hub up north, since they nuked the UC.

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Yes blame blizzard instead of thinking they could be high elven or non-existent models for void elf ballista. :man_shrugging:

Not animal friendly, definitely says a lot about a person :face_with_hand_over_mouth:.

Let me guess, you think pit bulls are born bad. :crazy_face: