New Customization Options for Blood Elves and Void Elves

Doesn’t mean they aren’t there kiddo, your opinion on the ballista does not remove the ballista presence, nice try.

The leader of the Silver Covenant and a High Elf yes.


Schrodinger’s Ballista.



Under Alleria’s guidance, as well as the tutelage and instruction of her own teacher, [Locus-Walker], the void elves made strides in mastering their nature. They claimed Telogrus as their base of operations, which has also been visited by blood elf [Silvermoon Scholars] and [high elf wayfarers] curious to learn more about the Void from their transformed kin.

Same source as above.

Yeah, if they had gone to Argus with Vereesa and got voided with Alleria, I’m sure most here wouldn’t have a problem with Void Elves.

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I would say more Shrodinger’s Ballista Operator.


The same NPCs from arathi and the stormwind portal room yeah?

Does that not prove the Silver Covenant and Alliance are on the same team?

Thanks again Reno :pray::pray:

Well… The Nightborne are a unique part of the Horde identity for the last two years. =P

That’s more Apt. You’re right, I’m wrong.

Feels like a Waste that Sylvanas didn’t go to Argus given her sisters and Varimathras.

No, because the Wiki doesn’t list those locations, only places in Northrend.

One could always point to the Silver Covenant Mages holding open the portal to Dalaran in SW. But then again, that would imply Dalaran is canonically back in Northrend, which is just weird.

This is a problem with zones locked in time periods.


Not the point but go off.

If there’s a 7th legion battle mage tagged as both Alliance and Silver covenant, does that not mean there are Silver covenant high elves in an Alliance army group?

Especially seeing as we continue to see them, into BFA.

That’s the weird thing. The portal room was made in BfA.

Nice try. Let’s look at the BfA mages.
“h ttps://”
Hmm, tagged as 7th Legion only. Looks like I was right.

During the time period of WOTLK, there are indeed these NPCs that can be found at Wintergarde Keep in Dragonblight.

But we’re talking about BFA, so linking an NPC from WOTLK doesn’t really mean much, sorry friend-o!

X-Files theme intensifies.


Thanks for admitting there are High Elves in the Alliance. :heart:

Now if we could get you to connect those dots, between the silver covenant and the 7th legion, as has been demonstrated in game before, we could try actually discussing things past your bias!

How exciting.

Right, makes sense they stopped after wrath then picked it up again in mists then stopped again, you know, rather than just always being there.

But I forgot, you need your facts chewed up and fed directly instead of connecting some dots. :man_shrugging:


Stopping and starting is how Blizzard chose to present it’s story.

Sorry if I choose to eat my food like a civil member of society instead of a slobbering dog who needs a nap. :man_shrugging:

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Yes, civil people have their food chewed for them.

Makes sense for the dainty elf with a abomination fashion sense. :partying_face:

I never said there weren’t.

Just because they worked together in the past doesn’t mean they still do now. I don’t still work for the same employer I did 10+ years ago. If fact, that employer doesn’t even exist anymore.

Not really.

Says the mutt who can’t wear shoes properly.

Sucks to be you.

Right, those Silver Covenant ballista drove themselves there, not from the group that would own them: The Silver covenant.