New Customization Options for Blood Elves and Void Elves

Someone has to do it.

The Blood Elf scholars are interesting on one hand they make an interesting story for someone who wants to be a VE but post VE transformation, to still be non Void tainted looking, one could faction change their BE for example and really feel the same as far as continuity of their character? I think a fun story is to be told of any disenfranchised former Sylvanas loyalists who might not fit in the new Horde, maybe the enemy of my enemy is my friend angle (ignoring that they also traditionally haven’t liked the Alliance) or perhaps they are disenfranchised and find some sort of leader in Alleria, as opposed to staying with Quel’thalas, interesting to me none the less on a personal story idea level.

I still dislike they are still using Blood Elf population to some extent but that’s mostly just pro HE fans who like to use any minuscule idea from WC2 to talk about BEs being unhappy on the Horde, I really don’t want them to go “see look more are joining the VEs!” But it is what it is.



I sense something… elusive.


They could very well be ex-Silver Covenant.

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That’s the problem, we didn’t have enough Nightborne around to yell at things


Just remember.

They feel like something unique is being taken from them with Blood Elf Skins…

But they don’t feel like their purple elves are the same as our purple elves or that the Alliance Rep is Allied with the Alliance.

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It’s really Blizzard’s fault for not using the Silver Covenant more, otherwise this current discussion wouldn’t be here.

I really need to get a Nightborne up for their Heritage Armor. But I’m working on my Shaman right now.

Something did feel right…

He’s no Don Draper I can tell you that lol

Which no one remembers or cares about.

Sylvanas’ sister.

No wonder I never saw them, they were invisible! :rofl:

Now I kinda wish that night elves would get highborne looks.

But if I suggest that, a bunch of horde are likely to maul me for stealing the nightborne aeztheticzzz



I would love help!



I really wanna work on heritage sets for Mag’har and DID and Nightborne but it’s like… I start going but then go eh… and stick back to Belves/Velves.

They’re actually tagged as both.

Lemme tell you as a Loyalist, I had zero idea that there were other groups doing stuff until after I found out on the forums.

If they weren’t tagged or wearing the tabard, then they weren’t there representing the Silver Covenant.

Do it! Mag’har = best race!

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You linked a NPC from WOTLK.

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Tossing this in here;

The void elves are not recruiting, but they are open to those who share similar interests. Their research has attracted other elves to Telogrus, with both [Silvermoon scholars] and [high elven wayfarers] arriving to study the ways of the Void. They are trying to find out if they can reproduce the original process that transformed the void elves.

From; g

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