New Customization Options for Blood Elves and Void Elves

Need help? I’m not as into him as you and Lorithyn but I’ll help out. I like a good kidnap.


I’m not sure I like where this is headed with you two…


Same to be honest, I just want it set in stone the High Elf wayfarers are taking up the VE name, and I’m good. Heck incorporate all the HEs but definitely the wayfarer confirmation would be much appreciated!


I don’t want anyone to feel ignored and left out of the discussion. Even Cezol needs a helping hand in this regard.

Then surely you can show us where they appear in an official capacity with NPCs that are tagged as such.

No no, please feel free to never respond to me, I have too many people to correct to waste time on discussing a semantic you came up with to kill an hour of your time. :man_shrugging:

Aye this I want. (Scholars too of course) It would vindicate what I said in one of my first posts on the High Elf matter. I always assumed we could assume these two were becoming new Void Elves and that it was possible to eventually get those tones added as a result. (Plus it allows for High Elf rp.)

Also again… just to restate in case blizz is watching.

Dark Ranger skintones for belfs!


If you want to avoid people talking to you, a public forum is the worst place to be in then. :man_shrugging:

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Maybe he’s been binge watching Mad Men. :rofl:


I could say the same to you about the Silver Covenant not being an important part of the Alliance, despite ignoring their very recent role in Legion. You choose what you want to see.


Meh, I figured out he was super unreasonable when I told him i’d certainly admit I was wrong if it turns out these are high elf customizations and I hope people would do the same if they were wrong but he said he would refuse to accept my apology because that just shows my “Stance on the issue”.

So yeah, that’s what you’re dealing with lol.

And yet they still had a bigger presence than other actual playable races even in legion. They had a part in the Hunter Order Hall stuff and were part of the Alliance forces at Suramar. They were even recognized by Elisande among the other 2 Elf groups.

How does them playing somewhat “less” of a role in an expansion here or there make them any less relevant? They’ve been active within the Alliance just as much if not more as some playable races on the blue team.

Hear hear!

or is it Here, Here?



Nah, you just need to be friendly with him. Shy people usually lash out at people they’re wary of, even when they want to offer a helping hand of pretty elf love.

I no longer care what it is. This is what it is for me now.

Hair hair!

Now get in this burlap sack I need to deliver you to some friends.

No one is denying they appeared in Legion. Some are claiming they appeared in BfA, I’m just asking for the proof of this.

So you’re ignoring the ballista, Vereesa, and her group of unseen elves assaulting azshara the zone.

But also just every other appearance in WoW in general as a representation that they are more relevant to the Alliance story than the 2 years Void elves have been on the scene.

Because for the 3rd time, you literally don’t get to ignore those times to fit your narrative, unless stated otherwise all those elves are still there and a part of the Alliance, like you understand that right?

Probably not.


A rallying cry for the ages!

Wait, what…?

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Holding your hand out to everyone is a good way to get it bitten. You’re too good for this sinful Azeroth!

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Oooo, the emperor’s new elves “No, no, they exist, they’re just invisible, but the smart people can sense their presence.”


So, the mage susing the same uniforms as Silver Covenant battle mages in Arathi don’t count just because they lack a tag?

I guess a guard in Stormwind armor doesn’t represent Stormwind unless it has the Stormwind tag as well?