New Customization Options for Blood Elves and Void Elves

I sure do.

I don’t have any skin in this debate. I honestly haven’t scrolled back enough to see what you’re both arguing about. It’s more the way that you’re debating rather than what you’re debating. Just surprising.

Same, I don’t remember them at all.

Cool, so we figured it out.

Blizzard knows the high elves are on the Alliance.

Woof, that took a bit.

You left your agenda wide open in the hallway Mrs. Shadows.

It says “I need high elves to not exist to give void elves a chance to do literally anything.

I’ll give you the skinny.

He said there was no excuse for someone to not notice ballista, I ended up giving him 2 valid excuses and he got upset with me because I dared to prove him wrong and now he’s just cranky with me.

I think he could use a nap. Or a walk, I mean he is playing a Worgen.

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As I said, for all we know the bulk of the Silver Covenant’s forces are still cleaning up Legion stragglers on the Broken Isles.

The fact that you’re so quick to try and downplay them just because they aren’t front and center in the most recent expansion is ridiculous and indicates a bias against them for some reason.

Blizzard is never obligated to use a specific faction every expansion to prove that faction retains relevance. But the fact is… among all the factions in the game, among all the expansions the game has had over the years, the Silver Covenant is the only Alliance allied faction to keep moving forward from their inception. And that is a fact you cannot deny.

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Everyone else here is great to debate with but he seems to just come off as super condescending and a huge know-it-all by using kissy emojis and outdated terms like “sweetheart”. Like, i’m sorry you shouldn’t be calling anyone sweetheart in 2020? What are you an 80 year old man?

Just stop answering until he learns how to debate like a big boy

Edit: His response 100% proved my point.


Lol as if antis ever had anything to debate past fear mongering and their feelings on silhouettes.


My only agenda is keeping the void in Void Elves. You guys are the ones trying to turn them into High Elves.


Well, not for nothing, but Blizzard seems to be trying to now as well. :roll_eyes:

I can tell a lot of people will be angry with a lot of this, but the “High Elf” look is an argument neither side is going to ever win, I think this is a fantastic compromise.


Don’t know how you think additional customization options that are optional:

Means anyone is trying to take the Void from Void elves, but keep fear mongering, I guess it works when there isn’t really concrete proof of your victimization.

I rushed the quest too but not because I didn’t want to pay attention but because I took it with the upmost priority as it pertained to the defense of the capital and the Warchief. I did see the siege engine though but I think I saw it later on my priest who is Alliance. Though the second time I did the loyalist quest line I did try to fly around some more but just a quick look to be fair. Though I’m still confused what this is all about in terms of the convo.

That would be impolite. I find I must respond/acknowledge anyone who replies to me. It’s the only way to be civil.


I’ve only bothered to do it once.

Shadows thinks the Silver Covenant isn’t a part of the Alliance in BFA and we showed her the high elves ballista in the scenario and Tarrok is saying those could be anything, when they’re blatantly high elves ballista models from since Wrath.

You aren’t doing your side any favors by trolling.


Who’s trolling? I’m right.

I’m not the one pretending to not see an entire group and downplaying their existence to fit your biased narrative, you’ve got 3 people actively telling you this.

Yeah but I mean, there’s a point where you just kinda have to cut your losses and move on.

There’s no point in debating with someone if they are just going to be jerky about it. I mean, Nicodemus or Callistus and I don’t agree on most things but at least they’re respectful and don’t use condescending terms a 1950s business man would use.

Like, i’m just waiting for him to tell someone they’re pretty and compliment their work ethic with a firm slap on the behind lol.


I think I more or less agree with you.

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I’ve tried to.