New Customization Options for Blood Elves and Void Elves

Because people who ignore what’s in front of them and blatantly lie to pass of their agenda under the guise of trolling deserve to be talked to in a respectable manner?

You act like they offer the same :man_shrugging:

Oh look, WOTLK NPCs that are many expansions out of date.

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Didn’t realize they stopped existing because you need to pretend they’ve never been a huge presence in all of WoW. :man_shrugging:

We’re they killed off in some scenario I didn’t play?

Please enlighten me as to why they aren’t around anymore and died right there.


Wrong again, Kiddo.

You said there was no excuse for someone to not notice a particular detail on the battlefield when being pre-occupied. This simply isn’t the case as I have told you as such.

You choosing not to believe me is equal to you admitting that you are wrong, however because of your silly pride you refuse to actually admit “Hey, I was wrong this one time.”

Here’s another excuse to prove you wrong: A lot of people rush thru their quests so they can hurry up and be done with quests and move onto the next one, They do not take time to care about what’s going on around them except for what they need to be focused on.

These Ballista were so irrelevant that I didn’t even know they were there until I found out here in the forums.

Face it, Cezol. You were proven wrong. Now as Elsa sings it so well… “Let it goooooooooo!”


No one is denying the Silver Covenant was active in WOTLK. We were discussing whether or not they were active in the CURRENT expansion, BfA.

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Did someone kidnap old Renotarshil and replace him?

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And yet still relevant to the discussion at hand! That is in-game evidence that High Elf members of the 7th Legion are affiliated with the Silver Covenant, and if you want to try and say that it’s old info, then you better be prepared to chuck every other piece of data about everything in the game from before BfA out the window.

History matters. And historically, according to the in game data, High Elf members of the 7th Legion have been linked to the Silver Covenant. You can handwave it away if you want but it won’t change the facts, no matter how old the information is.


And that’s fine until they come on the forums telling people to prove things they ignored while being “pre-occupied” such as your buddy Tarrok.

Especially when I showed him what he was looking for and then dismissed it as “reading into it” because he doesn’t wanna admit he’s wrong.

But keep defending the defenseless, it’s so honorable of you to continue to not add anything but semantics to the discussion :heart:.

Think you’ve missed like 5 people telling you why you think everything has to be “current” for it to be viable, high elves have had more presence in WoW than void elves ever had, and even a tiny one in BFA, you don’t get to pretend they aren’t relevant because they don’t play a major role in every expansion, if that were the case, most races would be irrelevant.

They don’t have to be. Plain and simple. For all we know the bulk of their forces are still in the Broken isles doing cleanup on any lingering Burning Legion forces.

No one has kidnapped me.

You need a nap.

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Just because they worked with the 7th Legion in WOTLK doesn’t mean they still are now. Lots of factions worked together then, doesn’t mean they still are now.

I mean, the Silver Covenant was formed specifically to keep Blood Elves out of Dalaran. There is a distinct possibility that they have since disbanded. This doesn’t mean the members who made it up in the past no longer exist of course, but the organization itself might not. There’s really no way to tell one way or the other right now.

Thank you for showing I’m right. :kissing_heart:

If you really wanna help, you can help Tarrok prove me wrong about the 3 blue ballista in the field in that scenario.

Oh wait sorry, forgot you wouldn’t know, you were “preoccupied”. :man_shrugging:

It’s like people forget you’re neutral and just expect you to agree with everything they say just because you’re a good person. :woman_shrugging:


It also doesn’t mean they aren’t either.

The fact is, whether they appear prominently in BfA or not, doesn’t diminish the Silver Covenant’s relevance as a faction. A relevance that far exceeds any other Alliance allied faction in the history of the game.

Wish we knew what they were up to, tbh. Seems like a big waste that they weren’t more officially involved. Felt like they were just kinda sprinkled here and there.

What did I show? That you are upset?

Happy to help you then.

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Or defend myself when someone is upset with me. How dare I speak out!

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Awww cute, you think you phase anyone.

I’ll wait for the overwhelming proof I’m wrong about the high elves ballista. :kissing_heart:

You know, as is the topic of discussion, or are you not here for that?

Like ever?

You still haven’t proven that the ballista, that yes, I am aware of and always acknowledged the presence of, actually are confirmed to be SC and not anything else. Since I haven’t been able to find anything about them other than their presence and an implication based on earlier usage of the model that they are either an easter egg for the SC or the devs were lazy and they had those ballistas they used in the heritage quest handy and thought they’d look cool.

An Alliance allied faction that was MIA during the biggest faction war ever. Maybe they aren’t so important to the Alliance after all.