New Customization Options for Blood Elves and Void Elves

That’s the one I tend to favour when I’m feeling Voidy.

Trolling aside, now you’re getting it!

Atta boy!

So we did know, we’re just biased right? :kissing_heart:


Under her command, and then returns to her absolutely normal look just after, whenever she wishes.

If transformation is your critteria, blood elven shadow priests are mutants.


This just reminds me of like 10-15 years ago reading pop culture reference things on the internet and the stretches people would go to to make things a FF7 reference:

“This game has a pair of characters called Biggs and Wedge, that’s a reference to the two characters in AVALANCHE in FFVII!!!”


Again, that’s not what’s important.

What’s important is that they had a notable presence, even if you want to downplay it compared to WotLK and MoP.

And not for nothing, I’m hard pressed to think of any other Alliance allied faction in the game that has gotten as much screen time as the Silver Covenant and appeared beyond the expansion that introduced them on multiple occasions and in multiple expansions.


Cezol, cool it with insulting ppl please. Let’s keep this civil.

They did not consume, nor intaken to a void ritual to become void beings.

Sure thing, soon as the blatant lying stops we can all be friends :heart:

Yeah and the jury is still out on the wayfarers and scholars studying the Void, who may be taking the Void Elf name, and yet you keep projecting the original Void Elf story and transformation onto them too for some reason.

And yet they grow tentacles and start to float, while Alleria does not.

Well, if infusion is your critteria, I guess blood elf paladins are also mutants…

The void ritual is apart of becoming a void elf. There is your reason.

paladins alone are not nearly as infused as say a LF is. LF is a better example.

The void ritual is not necessarily recreatable.


A ritual that was never shown or told to be in their possession. THey were transformed by another party, which was killed after, and we never saw any new blue void elf being created after it, only new normal elves coming to study the void.


The Siege of Orgrimmar was literally the name of the MoP raid. Excuse me for thinking you were talking about that…

You need to relook into the void story if you think they did nothing to gain their void powers.

No, it’s that the ritual to create the initial batch of Void Elves was not something of the Void Elves’ doing. It was the Ethereals. It’s not something Void Elves even know how to repeat.

I did. We saw perfectly normal elves studying it. A bunch of ethereals forcefully transformed them into blue elves. The ethereals were killed. No new blue elves were shown to be created since. More normal elves came to study. The end.

This isn’t true as I was required to go onto the battlefield for a quest as a Loyalist.

You need to stop projecting that story of the original VEs onto possible new recruits lol.

A High Elf wayfarer studying the void viewing it as an ally, with loyalty to Alleria and calling himself a Void Elf is also just as plausible to happen, and so what? What’s wrong with that?


Game play mechanics. That’s what that is.