New Customization Options for Blood Elves and Void Elves

And you think it was because of the Void that Altered the Void Elves body?

Gosh, have you ether heard of Void Etherals?

Lol my god, please tell me you’re joking.

There is no “void elf ballista model”, that is a high elf ballista model, until they make a void elf ballista model and replace them, you don’t get to pretend they’re something else for your agenda lol.

My god it’s like I’m the only person who actually plays the game :exploding_head:

I nominate myself as Leader, I happen to have experience in… cross-factional relations.


I support.

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Who ever claimed elves were responsible? :rofl:


You know what the critically thinking human also understands? That the brain likes to find patterns. Especially patterns that connect to things they like. If they wanted them to be SC ballistas they’d put in at least a couple SC members who didn’t also happen to be sisters with the big bad villain being faced off against.

You mean Vereesa who was so important she didn’t say a damn thing in the meeting?

There are? I wish I could find them as opposed to all the ones right in middle of things full of DIDs (especially the one that’s directly between a horde FP and a quest area that will flag you for flying over it)

Right now I think those things are in like Easter Egg land, they’re something you weren’t expecting to be there that calls out to other things, but they aren’t really explained well. Maybe they were there to represent the SC, but there’s not enough info to come to any conclusion about them so far.

I wonder where those ballistae could possibly come from...

Nope, no clue comes to mind…


Which was during MoP…

agenda? I have no agenda? We spoke enough for you to understand that I don’t hide stuff. You’d be a fool to think otherwise.

It is much to assume they don’t build ballista’s at all since they want to prove their worth to the alliance.

Man, I miss MoP. Fun expansion with the best Warlock Design.


You’re right, but me with my fully functioning brain and experience in world of Warcraft without a hardcore horde bias, understands what those ballista mean even without NPCs to tell me otherwise.

Sorry we don’t share the same qualities :man_shrugging:

The siege of orgrimmar at the end of the war campaign was definitely not in MoP it was in BFA, but nice try.

I don’t know about that, I’m just one of the more vocal ones.

Also best story, world building and storytelling in the game’s history.


More like they gave Humans, BE hairstyles in WOTLK. I remember because I got to put spiky hair on my Human Warrior.

I agree with this, aside Wotlk pandaria had a good story to it.

Gee look at all those ballista that share the same color as the ballista on the majority alliance field in the scenario.

Oh and look at all those High Elves next to them.

I don’t understand, what does it all mean :thinking::thinking::thinking:

They shared, BE got some, humans got some. And I hated the human versions of the BE hair.

She literally turns purple in combat…

In my opinion, the story was alright, but it wasn’t the best. Wrath story was the best actually, especially when we had a real villian to face.