New Customization Options for Blood Elves and Void Elves

It means you weren’t on the field at the end of the horde war campaign so you wouldn’t be able to see the ballista, you were inside the city doing morally gray things for Sylvanas :man_shrugging:

Was that not obvious?

Yeah the original Void Elves. And oh look those options are still there. Why don’t you provide Blizzard stating this is how the new VE recruits will happen.

We also see perfectly fine wayfarers and scholars studying the Void. So you projecting other situations onto them is exactly that, projection, and I’ll wait to hear from Blizzard on it.

Vereesa was present, and we were told the combined elven army was stationed at Azshara’s gate, so…


I see Ballistas that are blue, identical to ones used in the quest line for the Blood Elf heritage armor. I see no elves, and no explanation of how they got there. If you’re going to pretend they prove you’re right, show the hard connection, don’t just make something up and then puff up and mutter when people call you on it.

They’re ballistas, they’re marked with blue high elf marks. There’s no indication of where they came from or who manned them. Maybe later they’ll say what they put them there for and if it has any story significance.


Hmmm I suppose, I just got promoted to go to Ghostlands so I didn’t see that but we did sabotage stuff as part of the quests.

You can’t be serious. That’s stretching too far. If Blizzard wanted her to have any mutation, it would be shown or at least told. That’s not what we see, assuming that is pure baseless fan theory.


They do prove me right sweetheart, your inability to connect the dots through your bias is your own problem, there is a model for blood elf ballista, there is a model for night elf ballista and there is a model for high elf ballista and they chose to sprinkle 3 models of high elves ballista across that field for the purpose of showing the Silver Covenant involvement in the fight: As an Alliance Force.

At this point, this is a blatant human vision problem.


It is not fan theory if you think about the fact the void is a corrupting power, known to mutate and change the body, very much like some cases of light infusion. It is already too much of a stretch to think that VE will retain the skin colors, but also not to have ANY changes to ANY part of their body is just hyperbole.


Which only the SIlver Covenant has shown to have in present days, as blood elves painted their red.

That’s like seeing a troll ballista in a Horde base and refusing to admit it is from the darkspears just because you didn’t see any trolls nearby.

Is Velf hair being updated to include blonde and red varients?

No one knows for now.

He’s just upset that I don’t trust his jump to conclusions. There’s ballistas with the blue markings on them that I don’t believe have any mouse over info or crews, and he’s trying to use them as proof of SC participation in the siege. I’m just saying we don’t know what they are until we have more info.

Yup, you’re connecting dots that don’t actually connect as far as we know and yelling at me for not buying it.


My question was more for the cm.

Yelling? No no no lol.

I’m just making sure people are aware of your laughable persistence in pretending High Elves aren’t involved in Alliance scenarios.

Any critical thinking human person understands connecting the dots between themed weaponry for a race my guy, you not being able to do that out of sheer bias does not make you right…it makes you biased.

Vereesa was even there, but I’m sure you didn’t see her, not playing Alliance at all, or understanding lore from both sides and all :man_shrugging:

Bye now :kissing_heart::wave:

The Fact? If you think Void Is a corrupting power, then so is every other sort of power out there too.

There’s Alliance bases in Zandalar with mole machines but no dark iron dwarves. We will never know who made those machines, I guess, as it’s impossible to connect the dots and conclude that dark irons offered their mole machines for Alliance use.


To be honest cezol, we don’t know if those balista is SC made or VE made. We can very well easily say the VE made them painted with alliance colors.

Thanks for croping out part of the paragraph to make yourself look good! If you read the paragraph, I mentioned light infusion alters the body too!


Guess it doesn’t work both ways if you have an agenda that doesn’t coincide with in-game experiences but want to pretend that it does :man_shrugging:


To be fair they could be more clear with that entire scenario. A lot of Alliance fans think the Alliance is in some great spot to exact huge demanding reparations and they should push the territory boundaries more in their favor based off the war. But all I saw was Alliance on its war exhaustion limit, and then at the end barely hold faith they could even win against loyalists. Now the Horde is re united, the Alliance won, but I think it should be more obvious how hard won it was for them, and how peace is in their favor too.

So while I can’t comment on the exact siege units I can say more elaboration could be had as far as the wrap up of the war etc. This sounds like another one of those details I guess.

It’s simple. We never saw VE use those ballistae, nor they had the velf color scheme. Concluding that they didn’t come from high elves is stretching it.