New Customization Options for Blood Elves and Void Elves

Heck, I would accept if they where forced to have forehead symbols like the LF if they had normal hair. There must be something lol.

Their Legion appearances were a far cry from their presence in WOTLK and MoP.

This is why Entropic Embrace needs to stay.

Well, EE does this just fine.

Oh wait, I pick this one! :purple_heart:


you can pick anyone as long as it has the starry void effects on the tats :sunglasses:

It only works in combat though, it needs to show outside of fighting too.

Blizzard, give us void tattoos please. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Shandris, Maive and Jared Shadowsong are simply far more interesting to me than Tyrande is right now. Of course this is after reading and loving the WOTA trilogy long ago.

However Tyrande was still pretty cool in Warcraft 3, and especially in the TFT campaign (the scourge bridge and the chapter that followed where she and a few sentinels are surrounded, come to mind). Itā€™s a shame how they ruined many wc3 OGs in WoW.

I want void elf hair to come with and without tentaclesā€¦

Nothing to sacrificeā€¦ Itā€™s hair. Many hair types are already shared across multiple races.

I assume you meant alterations. That happened at the end of Legion and itā€™s blizzards problem. Most folk wanted a different model for high elves and didnā€™t get that.

Theyā€™re void elves. They have void powers.

And it should show that they have void infused in them via customizations. They donā€™t need to have hairstyles resembling BE at all.

And Void elves appearances in game in general are a far cry from literally any other race, playable or otherwise. :man_shrugging:

You really donā€™t wanna start this popularity contest Shadows, I know you think tiny roles in some throw away world quests and the war campaign mean something, they donā€™t.


How on earth would you even presume to know this? Been to every server, interviewed every Void Elf??


Well since they OBVIOUSLY make up the vast majority of void elf players and they donā€™t do it, it just goes to show that practically no one does.

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As a Void Elf player Iā€™ve got likeā€¦ one dude with tentacles hairā€¦ and he looks good. But still. I avoid it.


I love the tentaclesā€¦it adds uniqueness to the race and makes them more interesting.


Indeed it does. I feel like shadowy effects in some hairstyles could add some flair to other hairstyles too. Make them show pride that they can ā€œcontrolā€ the void.

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It makes them a niche, it would make them interesting if they have an entire head of tentacles that didnā€™t look like 2004 goth phase right out of the shower.

Still more of an appearance then the SC since MoP.

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I can get behind some ā€œmedusaā€ hairstyles :stuck_out_tongue:

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I literally have a giant tentacle growing out of my ponytail. :octopus: