New Customization Options for Blood Elves and Void Elves

I guess we will see where they go with this. We don’t know if the purpose is to give us high elves rolled into void elves or what the plan is.

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I just wish Blizzard would really confirm on what is going on.


The silver covenent would like a word with you. lol

I think it’s to allow players to look more closely to alleria which had been requested by VE players. And I view it as that way too. I am also certain that there is a reason why blizzard choose the words “inherited from blood elves”.

Ladies and Gents, lets not get out panties in a twist. One thing that we need to figure out still, how are the Night Elves going to get revenged for what the Horde did to there home.

I think blizz said it will be addressed in SL in the fae part of the expac.

By blaming only Sylvanas and possibly losing our leader to the maw.

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Avarie you deserve a better leader… I say Shandris Feathermoon At least she will not be running around screaming Malfurian my LOVE WHERE ARE YOU!

SHUDDERS at the vivid flashbacks like PTSD…


I think it is time that tyrande retires. It is time for the NE to be savage again.

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I would ditch Tyrande so fast and follow Shandris. I am just worried we would end up with Malfurion “gets kidnapped by an over the top cartoony villain” Stormrage as our leader.


SHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH don’t say that too loud I swear it’s how the company gets idea’s is from GD.

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Oh uhm, gee, I hope we don’t up with that lousy, no good, archer named Avarie as our leader. That would be the WORST!


Malfurion: My powers is so vast I can summon storms by just getting angry!

Villains: Hold my beer, I’mma gonna kidnap this noob!


(Commentary): Shandris is too far into the Anduin camp. The Night Elves need Maeiv Shadowsong. Or if we want to shake up gender rolls, Jarod Shadowsong.



AKA the Saturday morning cartoon villain


I would follow Maiev!


Maiev would be a great choice.!

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Wait, how did this turn into a NE discussion???

Cause the NE need so much more love right now.

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I think the only thing missing is more hairstyles options for Void Elves and a bit more hair color options, that doesn’t need to be Blood Elf ones, we could make use of some hair options and hair textures from humans, and it would be great.

With that in mind, I really don’t understand some people fixation with Entropic Embrace though, it’s really not that annoying, tentacles on the other hand are by far the worst offender.

Even now, the vast majority of Void Elf players avoid hair with tentacles like a plague, to the point that most female characters are all homogenized by picking the few hair options without them…


Well said Avarei! I couldn’t agree more, the Pally dream is dead, but I’m not complaining.