New Customization Options for Blood Elves and Void Elves

we are talking about the comic where you also mention that veressa does not like void much

in the same comic she says that she believes in the redemption of the blood elfs joining the alliance, words of veressa

that later this can change yes, that blizzard says that it is not canon too, but it would be the same thing about the void

she says that I am not interpreting it, it is a statement released by her referring to a future they return to the alliance as alleria treatment on their return to azeroth

Ok…ty. :hugs:

Even if she does beleive the blood elves will return to the void, it doesn’t change the fact that she is in favor of the void. Nor that she would join it. If her intent is to bring back the BE to alliance, then going void would not work in her favor in trying to convice them.

That is clear in the matter of alleria, which if it is impossible for the void elfs to return to silvermoon or have good relationships

but the people of veressa is something else, and it is the most hostile of all the high elves

Those who would complain that they didn’t get the high elves they wanted I have more respect for. At least they were sticking to their principles especially when it was all about the lore.
Of course some people are going to criticize that pov, everyone’s a critic here.
There is most certainly a way to win.
Say ‘thank you’ to blizz and stop asking for more.

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I don’t understand why you keep saying silver covenent is hostile to HE’s when it is one of the last HE groups available to the alliance sans highvale, and they might work alongside, not join, the VE if necessary.

They are before anything else, alliance sided. Created in fact to counter and protest the sunreavers in the horde. I think they will eventually leave dalaran in protest if dalaran stopped being alliance aligned and goes back to being neutral.

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I’ve seen people look down on others who aren’t as concerned about the lore, that was why I asked. Everyone is free to play the way they want and I dont’ think anyone should be judging others because of it, that’s all.
But I don’t think that was what anyone was saying, now. :heart_eyes_cat:

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Maybe I misunderstood that the silver convenant is the faction of the high elves that is more hostile to the blood elfs

if the leader of said faction even accepted his return to alliance

that is the point

I will for one always support either HE being playable on alliance or any lore friendly way to have there story continued. I don’t see all HE becoming VE as that would just go on the errr side of things due to most not liking the void.

Better said. But we will have to see as more story on VE get’s developed. The silver covenent has history on being aggresive against the BE for sure. But I feel we need to see more interaction between the VE and BE before we can assume they are the only ones aggressive to BE’s.

what I’m trying to say is that in the future veressa and their silver convenant can make peace with the blood elfs, for their words in the comics

the matter of veressa now is that the blood elves abandon the horde, which for game play will never happen but in a wow finale if a reunification is possible if veressa’s stance is that

but as I told you blizzard can say that this comic is not canon and all this does not make sense

Atm peace while peace is on the table, the BE is not gonna join the alliance anytime soon, in fact they are even more devout to the horde.

I don’t see why they would say there own comic short would not be canon, it only had an interation of the 3 sisters and nothing more really.

Another point I want to add here is that the silver covenent may have been exposed to yogg saron, which might make them weary of what the void can do to them if they go void.

Blizzard would not be the first time that it says that certain missions are no longer canon or contradict a novel, even now they want to contradict chronicles saying that it is the version of the titans

which is why I tell you in this blizzard question the lore they change it as they seem better

It doesn’t matter how we ask. If this is the route they are going for high elves we want a few additional options to properly play high elves. People have been relatively grateful for even this much, and have asked for a bit more, and people are spinning it as demanding.


The only ppl grateful for this is the ppl that wanted the BE model. Nothing more. The real ppl that wanted HE to be playable wanted it for lore reasons.

Oh good. Was a bit worried.

Not really. I wanted HEs with their own model, and additional classes. However I understand that Blizzard might be trying to find the best solution for everyone, and I am grateful for that.


Which is fine as long as the appearance of the charecters have some void features. Void infusion is kinda like light infusion, you don’t get out of it without some altercations.

But this doesn’t address the HE who would be against going void. What of them?

To be perfectly honest, some of us aren’t really satisfied with the overall outcome, but at the end of the day, only Blizzard really knows what is going to happen.

If this is Blizzards way of giving the Alliance playable High Elves, and they actually do confirm it by saying that this is giving people the option of playing as an Alliance High Elf through the Void Elf Allied Race, then I am more than satisfied with that.


They continue to be background characters that are barely relevant, just like they have been since Vanilla.