New Customization Options for Blood Elves and Void Elves

Depends on how we ask, maybe not HE directly, maybe we can ask for half-elves. Or work around it by requesting further customization with the LF to represent the wc2 alliance races in it. Just a few ideas.

Oh, that would be cool! Now, if only my DK could fight FOR the Scourge again…

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I have never understood half elves, I would not have a problem is just giving new ears to humans, but I would see it sad is like the desimination of a race

But if they give that to humans, I wouldn’t even complain

But that’s just it, High Elves ARE being decimated, either by turning to the Void or interbreeding with Humans. That’s why it doesn’t make much sense adding them as their own separate race.

If the silver covenent is able to remain relevent is any indication they are not totaly being obliterated, then I do not understand why you are saying this? I am just trying to give ideas or work arounds since I do not beleive giving alliance BE models is the right move.

Nah, I got one better.

Not exactly a set, but a good mixture of a few pieces from different Paladin sets.

The way I see it, the main narrative point of the Silver Covenant now is to ensure we don’t have to use Dalaran as an expansion hub a third time! Vereesa seems to be doing a good job thus far, but the task is not an easy one. :wink:

Just because they fight under the banner of the Silver Covenant doesn’t mean they are all “pure” High Elves. Many could be part human after living in Dalaran for so long. Remember, Elisande commented on how they had diluted their blood line and were no longer worthy of the name High Elf.

With Void Elf Mages now getting to look like High Elves, maybe sometime far in the future we can get a Highvale Elf allied race and it won’t matter so much that they can’t be Mages. They’re all about the Light, so Paladins would make sense for them.

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I haven’t heard or seen allot of lore of half elves joining the silver covenent, but I wouldn’t pass it. There is also the lodges/alleria stronghold as well so there should be enough numbers to have a consistant population.

I would be fine with a half elf AR and letting them be every class humans can be. This way a new model could be introduced and make sense lore wise.

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I thought highvale is more about nature then the light? Wouldn’t druids suit them better?

Of course if they have members that join the army of the light then of course I wouldn’t argue about them being pallies :stuck_out_tongue:

I think I’ve seen you comment against an entropic embrace toggle. And that’s fine we disagree there, I want it for people who want it, plus I feel it customizes more of the Void, my priest would have it turned off unless he was shadow, but my mage would leave it on. And my Mage is my former High Elf and my priest my former Blood Elf. But it’s not a deal breaker for me what so ever, but let’s say it happens why wouldn’t or couldn’t the silver cov be incorporated alongside the Ren’dorei banner?

What I’m getting to is I don’t have an issue with the Silver Covenant being absorbed into the title of Void Elf, first and foremost we need the wayfarers officially. But I find it poetically fitting to have a new name like the Blood Elves. Loyalty/reverence to a Windrunner sister, sounds like how the Blood Elves joined the Horde. And customization to be non Void is already there, all that’s changed is a name change, and a new outlook on seeing Void magic as a tool / weapon to be utilized depending on the degree your individual outlook is I guess.

I really am not that caring of the Silver Covenant so long as the new recruits come from the Alliance High Elf population.

Speaking of the original Void Elves are already former Blood Elves, and we see some more alongside the High Elf wayfarers studying the Void too, so ones new void elf could be either or, but I dislike they keep pulling from the Blood Elf population. Are we going to see any Alliance High Elves return to the fold in Quel’thalas? I know some Blood Elf players want to see that and to have their characters fit accordingly.

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I doubt the silver covenent is gonna get absorbed into the void elves. Vereesa is uncomfortable with the idea of her sister being a void elf as is…

Maybe I’m just thinking of the Draenei living there. Still, not a large leap for the elves there to be for the Light as well.

Of course they keep pulling from the Blood Elf population. There are far more of them, so statistically a Void Elf is more likely to have been a Blood Elf. That being said, it does appear that some Alliance High Elves are joining their ranks, so RP however you wish.

Will some Alliance High Elves return to Quel’thalas? It’s possible, and may be the reason Blood Elves are getting blue eyes now.

Actually that is because most of them are fully cleansed and have been leaning towards arcane. The holy eyes is only for those who use the light. lorewise of course.

My brother made a mog with this in mind for his Rogue. He’s even got Homecoming Wrap as the cloak.


I agree with you that veressa will never be void elf, before she kills her sylvanas and revives her as undead

What if it is true in the comic of the 3 sisters, in the game that they have to tell 2 truths and a lie, veressa says that she believes in the redemption of the blood elves, that they return to the alliance, for which an elven unification when it ends wow it is not impossible, if the leader of silver convenant the most hostile faction of the high elves can consider peace and the union to the alliance of the blood elfs

If only sylvannas didn’t betrey the horde, I’d say vereesa would be the lyer, only because of the grudge she holds towards the blood elves murdering her husband, is there lore that states she reconciled with his death and forgave them?