New Customization Options for Blood Elves and Void Elves

The times he shows up, it’s only when he is searching for his parents. I think he can use development on his own. This would be a way to do it since vareesa raised him.

(Commentary): If Vereesa died, I think he’d find himself raising her children in turn. That said, it could make for an interesting basis for a Half-Elf race, assuming Blizzard was willing to make that a thing.

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It is one direction for sure. Another if vereesa lived, and seeing that all of the people he idolize he’d in turn want to be like them, a leader and try to lead a small army on his own. Most likely an army of light being a paladin himself. He could lead a platoon of HE in the army of the light along with other leaders of the respective platoons of humans, dwarfs and gnomes to represent each wc2 alliance race in the army. But that is just my 2 cents.

Alliance need to get Vyk’rul. Pretty sure we’ve been asking for that since Wrath.


The purple Judgement set is perfect for a Void Elf warrior. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Only problem is Lighforged Elves would step on the toes of Blood Elves which are becoming Light infused from the Sunwell.

I’m sorry, but I don’t share your view of blood elves being holy elves. They are still too power crazed and hypercritical of themselves to look the part. The blood knights is even worse, talking about righteousness one moment, but when it inconvenience them they start talking about how to do something sinister to complete there objective.

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Yeah I dislike things that step on Blood Elf themes. I’m honestly happy for what’s coming to Void Elves, and just want the lore to be crystal clear as far as High Elf Wayfarers etc joining Void Elf ranks.


I honestly thought Sylvanas was going to kill and raise Vereesa in BfA. Oh well, it can still happen in Shadowlands. :stuck_out_tongue:

Yep! :purple_heart:

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Liadrin is leader of the Blood Knights, and she’s turned full holy roller for the Light.

My hammer blade burns with holy fire!

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(Commentary): I may be wrong but…


(Speculative): Datamining showed an update to the Icecrown zone in the Shadowlands beta. NPCs from the Sunreavers and Silver Covenant are both there. It’s plausible that a pre-patch event would be taking place in Icecrown. That said those could just be part of the Argent Tournament and not actually taking part in the event, but if not, we might be seeing Vereesa and the Silver Covenant fighting the Scourge.


Like I said, she talks holy when it is convenient, but flips as soon as it is not.

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keep arguing in circles xd

The only thing I can say is that the true fans of pro helfs will not be happy with this, let’s hope blizzard’s stance

What if it changes is that a large number of people would not care because they were only interested in skins without knowing about lore, they do not care if they are high elves or void elfs, and that blizzard knows and is what he is playing, to Those of us who talked about Lore discussed factions and put together theories for the future because nothing changes, and the pro-Helfs for Lore will continue their crusade, if with fewer followers.


I’m not sure if I understand what you’ve said here so sorry if my response doesn’t seem to fit.
I hope you’re not saying that the game ‘lore’ is a more important reason to play the game, or race than playing for the appearance of a race.

sorry my english is not very good

I meant that the pro helfs who want the race as it is is not going to be a final solution, the sub race is the only thing that will make them agree.

But there is a large public that does not care about the lore, and they already have the skin, they just wanted their legolas on the side of the alliance, and it does not matter if it is called high elf or void elf, when I can customize it as I want, that’s what I want. i mean

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This is the unfortunate truth. Some of the followers simply wanted the BE model on the horde. I do not agree with that reasoning, but they seem to have won out vs what we should have had.

I like the idea that when a story is told in a game I’m apart of it when I play it. Like reading a book but your apart of it. So yes, “lore” in a sense is just as important as gameplay.

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If we complained and asked for an actual AR that would just be used to attack us. There’s no way to win.