New Customization Options for Blood Elves and Void Elves

And you half cover it up defeating the point of looking for a face.

(Commentary): You seem a tad agitated. Why not walk away from the computer for a bit? Go for a walk, read a book, make yourself your favorite meal, etcā€¦ treat yourself. A hot bath or shower, or just start reading one of your favorite books. The forums will be here when you get back.


Iā€™m King Arthur in this situation, sorry.

Hmm. I suppose three of my characters do. Iā€™ve got characters that show their face.

Believe me, The High Elf discussion is Eternal.

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(Commentary): Unit Exacitor is not quite so certain. Depending on how far Blizzard goes with customization for Void Elves, it might be ending soon. Itā€™s not an ideal ending, of course, but an ending all the same.


Hmm? Iā€™m not sure about that. But maybe. I think the issue is that Renoā€™s a good dude and is usually pretty logical. But weā€™re arguing about a minor difference in RBG color. Thatā€™s pretty absurd.

Not being the exact shade of purple doesnā€™t equal totally different.

So the argument seems disingenuous from a person who is usually pretty reasonable.

If it was another forum poster I wouldnā€™t really be annoyed. But in this situation it seems a bit absurd. Iā€™m used to most people being unreasonable.

For some people but I would bet money there will still be people discussing this.

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I think itā€™ll change once people can actually start using the skin colors. For better or worse.

But I think even if they let you turn off entropic embrace, change your title to High Elf and play a Paladin weā€™ll still be hearing about how Blizzard caved for years to come.

But itā€™s more important that people be able to play the Warcraft character theyā€™ve always wanted to play.

Unlessā€¦ you knowā€¦ they want to play the pig guy from Waycrest Manor.


I disagree with that assessment. Depending on their answer it can leave a large gaping plot hole they will have to find a plug for.

(Commentary): I donā€™t see it being too difficult though. Really at this point just show the Silver Covenant accepting Void Elves into their ranks and weā€™d be fine. Or Vereesa dies and they pledge themselves to Alleria, but state they have no interest in learning how to wield the void, just that theyā€™d like to fight alongside the Void Elves, for the Alliance.


VE should never, get paladins, for lore reasons alone. If they did telogros would be repainted blood red from the explosions lmfao.

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If vereesa dies, I think arator will take over out of respect. And I doubt the elves of the silver covenent wants to mess with powers darker then necromancyā€¦

Donā€™t they have purple blood? The blue ones at least.

Good quiestion! I do not know!

(Commentary): Maybe? I donā€™t think Arator has ever expressed any leadership ambitions. I imagine most of the Silver Covenant would see Alleriaā€™s lifetime of martial experience, as well as leadership experience, to be far more attractive than Aratorā€™s complete lack of leadership experience.

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No, please.


For certain, some people will never let it go till they get exactly what they are looking for. But I think the bulk of the support may dry up depending on what options Void Elves end up with.

ā€œGood enoughā€ can actually be good enough for many people to feel like theyā€™ve gotten close enough to what they want that additional campaigning isnā€™t really worth the effort. I know I fall into that camp.

With High Elf aesthetics and implications that High Elves (and defecting Blood Elves) are joining the Renā€™dorei, I feel like I can work within this compromise, and my sometimes overly passionate support of the High Elf crusade will be, in my mind, concluded. Sure I may offer neutral to friendly encouragement now and then to those looking for specific things we may not be getting right now, but my long journey will soon be over as far as Iā€™m concerned.

Though I will continue to ask Blizzard for more fleshing out of Void Elves via in-game lore/content until I feel they have a more solid foundation, the game more directly addresses the reasons High Elves and defecting Blood Elves are joining them (I need more than just ā€œpowerā€ for a reason), and more specific in-game info on how new Void Elves are being inducted and gaining their abilities.


(Commentary): It would be a waste of a lore character, certainly. Iā€™d be happy for her if she just put down her bow and retired to be a full time mother instead. But, Warcraft is seldom so kind.