New Customization Options for Blood Elves and Void Elves

You aren’t being objective here.

You’re arguing that Void Elves were more developed by Blizzard.

Just because you don’t like the way Nightborne came out of the oven compared to NPC’s doesn’t mean that there weren’t more man hours put into their development.


And once again… I’m not the only purple elf.

This better?

I most certainly am. You see, I’m a 100% certified Elf expert IRL. I measured the bicep of the male Nightborne playable and compared it to the NPC.

But this is a subjective opinion as you are letting your biased view in your argument obscure the objective facts in front on you.

That’s a darker blue purple that’s still different from Nightborne.


(Commentary): I’m not quite certain what you mean. Their home zone, perhaps? Like the Telogrus Rift? Yes, the Nightborne make use of what I believe is a phased version of the Nighthold for that, right? The assets existed, because the Nightborne were a race well seeded into the setting. As for the Void Elves, they use a Skybox from the Nighthold raid, complete with islands, floating in space. You can see where different island chunks are pushed together too, and clip. It’s not pretty. In fact, so much of it is unstable and you can fall through it, that Void Elf players aren’t even able to fully explore the Telogrus Rift, and have to stay on specific islands.

(Commentary): Consider for a moment that Void Elves were the only one of the four Allied Races to not come with any kind of extra customization. Lightforged Draenei got to select tattoos and the forehead rune, Nightborne and Highmountain also have tattoos, but Void Elves don’t. They’re just their skin tones and hair.


I’m referring to everything in Suramar that was shown all thruout Legion and not limited to their home zone that is phased when you make a new char.

(Commentary): Indeed, just more evidence more effort and work was put into the Nightborne.


Less work actually as the playable Nightborne you end up with is a fraction of the effort that was put into their NPC races that they are based on.

Void Elves however had to be made from scratch.

I’ve got the High Ground Anakin…

When you’re arguing that it isn’t exactly the same shade of purple you’re struggling.

On the contrary: When I can argue there are distinct differences between the two races, that means I’m winning bigly.


They’ve got different skin tones.

Alleria already did entropic embrace.

Ok Black Knight.

(Commentary): Unit Exacitor disagrees. The Telogrus Rift is a slapdash work. You can find pictures of better designed zones from private servers that run off of people’s free time. Void Elves themselves as Blood Elves with different skin colors. Nightborne had their proportions altered, their idle stance altered, etc… There is more work put into Nightborne than into Void Elves. The fact you’ve argued that a Nightborne looks different than a Night Elf is proof of this.


The primary reason Void Elves look as good as they do is because so little work (relatively) was put into them. They were a straight body model/animation swap vs. the modified Night Elf body model and unique idle stance animation that playable Nightborne got.

The work for Void Elves can be boiled down to a body texture palette change, new earrings for females and beards for males and new hairstyles and hair color textures.

The work for Nightborne can be boiled down to a body texture palette change, a modified Night Elf body model, new faces, new accessories for male and female, tattoos, a new idle animation, and new hairstyles (a few of which are just slightly modified Blood Elf styles) and hair color textures.

The problem with Nightborne is that all that extra effort bore very mediocre fruit. Much like the Kul Tirans in my opinion. -_-


(Commentary): Agreed. I hope Nightborne get a monumental facelift come 9.1 or whenever Blizzard works on expanding Allied Race customization.


Male NightBorne get three skin color choices. ~_~

and have one passable face. Though Night Elves have similar problems in the face department.

Same. I’m actually hoping against hope that Blizzard squeezes some Nightborne customization options out for release rather than 9.1 or later. They need additional skin tone options, more hairstyles (even if ported from other races), faces that look more like the NPC’s and the guys need their legs beefed up a bit so they don’t look so spindly.


(Commentary): Male Void Elves get 3 skin color choices too. It looks like 6, but three are exactly the same.

(Commentary): Same with male Void Elves.

(Commentary): Far too true.

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And Hairstyles, and tentacles and void powers.


Void Elves are different from Blood Elves just like Nightborne are different from Night Elves.

The fact that Nightborne had so much stuff to pull from and be based on but is only a slight fraction of what they got is lowball in comparison to Void Elves having everything made from scratch and from the ground up. They weren’t even a thing until the very end of Legion which is proof they had more work put into them compared to Nightborne.

Pretty Elves always look good because it’s in their genetics. That’s the only reason you need.

They should honestly just let Nightborne and Night Elves choose between the two body options for whether they’re playing a mage or a warrior, etc.

Should share faces too. They both suffer from ugly face options.


I mean. Reno could argue that one is white with lavender tint and the other is white with blue tint. He’s pretty sensitive to mild RBG color differences…

In fact, who knows… isn’t the difference between white with blue tint and white with purple tint evidence that those void elves are entirely separate races from eachother? Ok… I’ll quit.

I feel like my entire WoW career I’ve had to search for a single male face and use it for every single character.