New Customization Options for Blood Elves and Void Elves

(Commentary): I’m sorry, but if what, “Blood Elves are,” to those people amounts to just aesthetics, I think they’ve missed the point of the race to begin with. Saying the Blood Elves are losing their uniqueness is also false; they’re losing nothing. They’re still the only race on the Horde to have pale pink skin. Saying they’ve lost uniqueness across faction lines ignores the high elf presence in the Alliance for this game’s entire lifespan, from Vanilla to today.

(Speculative): The problem isn’t a loss of uniqueness, because it never existed across faction lines to begin with. The problem is an intangible sense of loss that can neither be addressed or corrected because it is based entirely in perception and emotions rather than in logic. As I’ve seen many posters say about the discrepancy in Alliance and Horde participation in end-game content, “It’s a player problem, not a Blizzard problem.”

(Commentary): One could successfully argue the entire High Elf request is also largely based in perception and emotion as well, and they’d be right. A sense of nostalgia, a desire to complete the Alliance’s core racial makeup from past games, is largely based in an emotional desire, I think. The problem is, when you look past the emotional desire, and look at the facts, the high elves exist, they’re in the Alliance, and they’ve been a part of the Alliance’s story and narrative throughout this game’s lifespan. If a developer goes, “Both these groups of players are being emotional,” and decides to look at what is in the game for a decision, it’s obvious that adding high elves to the Alliance in some form is the logical conclusion.


You’re being biased here if you think those two look exactly the same and can’t tell the differences in skin tones and other body features between the two races.



You are free to express your displeasure with that, but I dont share that feeling between Night Elves and Nightbourne. Night Elves still maintain the druidic centric elf theme.

I do however feel the same way about Vulpera and Mechgnomes, which is why I expressed my opinion that if we continue with ARs that the Alliance get something just as unique and not another elf race.


I’m just saying you need to chill a bit. It is easy to tell you’re getting frustrated over people disagreeing with you, with the way that you’re posting.


maybe not me, but other will. I just like to see other void elves… voidy. :smiling_imp:

The skin tones are essentially the same and are shared.

and once again, the argument that their bodies are different isn’t compelling because that means that more work was put into making Night Elves playable on Horde than on making Blood/High Elves playable on Alliance.

Callis, I think these guys are trying to get under your skin. I see your point and some others do. It’s best to move on my friend.

Well, that is fine with you. Except for my Warrior, because I am keeping that unique as a Void Elf due to I want it to define physics as a Void Elf Paladin, but I would like the oppitunity to actually be as close to a High Elf as possible.

I mean, it is pretty clear that Blizzard isn’t going to give us High Elves as a seperate playable race, but with this compromise, it is the closet we’re now getting. Virtually, the best of both worlds


(Commentary): Unit Exacitor is in favor of Saberon and Dragons in some form.

(Speculative): Enlightened Saberon from AU Draenor who allied with Yrel and the Naaru would be pretty neat, a kind of inverse Worgen. Worgen are a civilized people struggling to overcome primal instincts. Saberon would be a primal people struggling to achieve civilization. Also, I’d happily roll a Tiger Paladin.


is not Exactly the Same. They may seem similar to you but they are very much so different and distinct from one another.

Oh please, Playable Nightborne are a shell of what their NPCs look like, if anything less work was put into them compared to Void Elves.


One of the reasons why I came up with the idea to diversify LF, HE would be in it along with the former army that crossed the dark portal, if they add the WC2 races to LF it can explain what happened to the survivors of dreanor and have playable HE paladins on the alliance without hurting VE or adding a race slot :stuck_out_tongue:

(Commentary): I can’t say I quite agree with this. Void Elves are a color pallet swap with rather unappealing hair and tentacles. Nightborne are a modified Night Elf model, complete with unique jewelry additions, tattoos, etc… That isn’t to say Nightborne don’t need work, because they do need work. They need a LOT of work. But I’d bet money that when Void Elves and Nightborne were being developed, Nightborne were worked on longer.


That doesn’t make any sense at all.

No they don’t look like the NPC Nightborne.

They males have their proportions changed and their ears flipped.

The females have their ears flipped.

The Void Elves have got some hairstyles and different skin tones.

The nightborne have tattoo options.

The amount of work that went into building the Nightborne is vastly more than what was put into Void Elves.

When you’ve got to argue that something is minutely different then it’s pretty sad.

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Yeah. It’s not even close.

Tattoos. Jewelry. Flipped Ears. Slightly different standing pose. reduced dimensions on male Nightborne arms and legs.

That took some development time.


Agree 1000%.

Nah, the models were changed for Nightborne at least. I’d say they took more work than Void Elves, they just needed a lot more than what they got.


Not certain your argument holds up as Nightborne already had stuff to work from with a whole expansion zone dedicated to them to pull from. Void Elves had to be created from Scratch. And Given how different Nightborne look from their NPC selves in a less than flattery manner, I would bet money that Void Elves had more work put into them than Nightborne did.

less than Void Elves.

But it isn’t minutely different. Your bias opinion makes you think it is when objectively this isn’t the case, Cal.

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Honestly, Paladins aren’t my cup of tea. I really not fond of the Paladin class (only because I am more of a range/caster type person), but it doesn’t effect me to others wanting them.

For me, my Warlock, and my Mage (once I get that over to Alliance), I would like them to be as close to being a High Elf as possible.

As I said:

It still sucks though, because we’ll still be Void Elves, but if Blizzard can confirm on what is really happening to why the Void Elves are getting these customisations, then it is up to say what my next move is.

After all, as mentioned earlier in this thread, I think it is due to allowing us to be a playable Alliance High Elf through the Void Elf Allied Race without adding another Allied Race.

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You’re arguing that a slight purple palette shift isn’t the same skin-tone. You’re like, “This light blue is slightly different than this other light blue. Which means they’re completely different!”

Nah. They’re still light blue.

I’m not the one with a biased opinion here.

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In concept, maybe. Certainly not in execution.

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Objectively arguing differences that can be seen when examined.

You however are just going meh, they look the same because I think they’re close enough.