New Customization Options for Blood Elves and Void Elves

They are different and distinct enough to become their own Allied Race, just like Void Elves were different and distinct enough to become their own Allied Race.

It was an equal 1:1 trade swap of Elf Races.


This is my Night Elf with approximately the same skin tone.


We are the same color.

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Your Nightborne has a purple skin tone, while your night elf has a gray skin tone, they’re different.

Not to mention the Eyebrows and Flipped ears etc.


The semblance is scary, only the ears is different.

You want a little more purple?

Different shade of purple.

Yeah. Obviously the Nightborne males have skinnier arms and legs. But the hair color and skin color are exactly the same.

They got Night Elves.


We got Nightborne.


While this true, honestly, should could still be fully Blonde, or she could be something different.

But my point still stands. It can be different colours.

You’re not being particularly objective here.

Believe what you want.

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Callistus, not gonna agree or disagree here, but you need to calm down a bit. It sounds like from my point of view that you’re trying to jump onto a Higher Horse from a High Horse.


But I am, we got Nightborne who are different and distinct race compared to Night Elves.

That’s an objective fact.


Yeah. That’s why they look exactly the same and have the same background.

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Uh no. They do not look the same. There are distinct differences.

Night Elves have a Blue Forum BG and Nightborne have a Red Forum BG.


I’m fine with it as long as it is still void themed and never blonde :stuck_out_tongue:

Meh. The current argument is:

“They’re objectively taking the unique skin shades of the Horde so they have the race.”

“Oh. Look at these two elves that have exactly the same hair color and skin color, just flipped ears.”

“That skin isn’t the EXACT shade.”


I’d be fine with a dull white tbh.

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Maybe you need to get your eyes checked, because they most certainly do not look the same.


Well, I wouldn’t mind Blonde Hair Colours, as well as Red, Brown and Black.

But just because these options would be there, doesn’t mean you have to go for them.

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