New Customization Options for Blood Elves and Void Elves

This goes back to objective versus subjective.

You may FEEL like your uniqueness is being taken away.

But because High Elves exist you objectively never had that uniqueness.

More than that, there have never been large complaints of Void Elves which look the same. The complaints are over skin and eye color.


Those are the request/demands I was talking about.

Yeah, but it is really still all too early to say for anything, because only Blizzard knows the future of the game.

One thing that can be confirmed is Blizzard said customisations are going to be an on-going process, and that AR’s are eventually going to get more customisations too. Now, I can’t exactly say when, some could recieve some at the start of Shadowlands, some could be waiting until future patches, or future expansions (I honestly hope that all races Allied and Core, can get more customisations in Shadowlands and not waiting until future expansions)

That’s not true at all.

Blood Elves were the dominant faction of Playable Elves with those skin tones for majority of the games lifespan. That does make them the owners of that uniqueness for players. So by giving it to the other faction, you are taking that uniqueness away.


Narratively, no. Playabley, yes.


I think the better solution is to either make half-elves playable to carry the story of high elves or have them split between the void, or the light via joining with the army of the light under arator.

Honestly, I don’t think that is entirely true. Blood Elves will always remain unique to the Horde in terms of there customisations. I will never look at them as unique to the entire game.

But this is me ofcourse.

And so when you make that argument In the context of fairness then Nightborne cut you down by the knees.

Sure. but once again. When you got for the playable argument you run into the Nightborne issue.

I don’t see a Night Elf when looking at a Nightborne, There are distinct differences between the two that are easily noticeable.

So my knees are perfectly fine.


Because for some it is.

You are correct that high elves existed, but it was the horde that got them playable first, as reinforced back in TBC “blood elves are our high elves”

So I dont see it as a stretch to say that yes, the theme of playing as a “true high elf” in WoW was unique to the horde.


and so where is the fairness in that?

That’s the thing about the fairness argument.

The Horde were given Night Elves to play.

The Alliance was given Void/High/Blood Elves to play.

That’s fair.

When your argument becomes, “But the Nightborne are different from Night Elves”

Then… ok. How is that fair to the Alliance players?

It just makes it worse.


Because they are, just like Void Elves are different from Blood Elves. It was a fair trade.

But now it isn’t a fair trade. The Alliance has a better deal on their trade compared to the Horde.

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While I do beleive more hair colors might happen, they would still be in darker tones or pure white due to the void infusions effects. Hair styles may end up still tenticaly but allot of ppl is also hoping for shadowy effect hairstyles to. I think here should show some void curruption much like how in lore the light effects those infused appearances.

I disagree. Alleria Windrunner is the perfect example.

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So I FEEL like Nightborne are Night Elves.

and I FEEL like the Horde got a unique race with Vulpera while we had some metal parts slapped on some Gnomes.


They aren’t that different from Night Elves.


That is why some of use asked for a modified model for playable HE. I do feel sorry for BE players…

This is my Nightborne.

Alleria also wears a hood, we don’t know what her hair fully looks like now do we :slight_smile: