New Customization Options for Blood Elves and Void Elves

ARs still start in their own zones?

I believe so, yes.

The Hinterlands are still stuck in Cata. That doesn’t prove anything.

It’s still kind of funny that people complaining about Gameplay limitations is going to be the thing that pushes more requests for changes.

If everyone had just been like, “You’ve got playable High Elves, yay!” then it would have been over… but the spiteful, “You’re a Void Elf still! and Entropic Embrace!” is just gonna push for further demands.


So your argument is that because of Gameplay limitations… you can’t play a High Elf.

But if you’re a Wildhammer, the Gameplay limitations are just because the game is dated?


Yes, because the toy analogy is apt.

The “They’re stealing Blood Elves.” is in fact a childish argument, because it’s not in fact true-- and it is evidentally a “I don’t want to share ‘my’ toys.” assuming that they can only have that thing and if someone has something similar it’s ‘theft’.

Actually, I am correctly downplaying the problem because people don’t seem able to see the reality.

What is in fact being ‘lost’ is the uniqueness of having normal skin tones on a Thalassian Elf on the Horde faction. Just how can Blood Elf players continue to play the game once this is no longer true?

I mean come on… I think you’ll find once the tantrums are over they will continue merrily playing their Blood Elf.

On the other side there isn’t in fact a noteworthy number of High Elf fans who think Blizzard should rename the race, or actually change the functionality (not the skin) of the racial. In addition to this none are in fact advocating the removal of classic Void Elf options.

Finally people are conveniently ignoring the context in which people are requesting these customisations. We are moving into an expansion with greatly increased character visuals, and effectively an Allied Race system 2.0 with new ‘types’ of race-- such as Wildhammer Dwarves.
People also ignore the fact - continually - that wanting normal skinned elves isn’t some entirely arbitrary wish plucked out of thin air. It is NOTHING like asking all of a sudden “Can we have Alliance Orcs? or pink Orcs?” There is a history of this race on Alliance, and indeed their is a history of normal skinned Void Elves in the bloomin’ faction leader and a strong suggestion of change in the starting zone.

Oh yes and finally it is also the case that Void Elves blur the line between ‘race’ and ‘class’. A Void Elf is a Blood Elf with a few Shadow Priest talents thrown in.


To be fair, a Void Elf wields Void and has Void in the name. A Dwarf isn’t called a Bronzebeard Dwarf and doesn’t wield Bronzebeardium.


I can be happy that you can now look more like a high elf that are tied to void elves, but also say that the line should be drawn there. Homogenization is a valid point of critique here imo.


Bronzebeard and Wildhammer are the same race, just different tribes. Void Elves have been transformed and are now a different race from High Elves. You can’t compare the two.

Which, as I said, is going to be what makes no one satisfied with this change.

So the High Elf request/demands will just continue because of the pushback.

Kind of the whole thing.


I wouldn’t say no one. Sure I can’t be any High Elf, but at least I can maybe be one that learned the Void from Alleria. That’s better than blue Blood Elves being the closest thing at least.


I don’t think that is correct.

The VAST majority of people will be satisfied once a certain point has been reached. I think you’ll find that isn’t all that far away.

Normal hair tones and the ability to hide or alter the VISUAL of EE will be enough for the majority.

Yes, every so often you’ll see a handful of people wanting them to rename or add in another ‘High Elf’ in name, but they ARE very few. Just as people who plan to roll a Wildhammer will be quite content it says “Dwarf” not “Wildhammer Dwarf”, the same is true for this.

As far as them being High Elves straight in from Alliance… well, that is already implied, as we’ve said many times.


That’s the problem with saying “no one” in general as like proof for an argument. There will always potentially be someone who feels differently on the subject.


The people who want to play a literal Silver Covenant High Elf won’t be happy, but most others should be.

I mean i’m happy about it and have no complaints I like my blood elf and void elf has enough distinction with hair options and their racial to be different enough for me. I honestly think the forums debate now is bit blown out of proportion. The statement that void is a complete new race is subjective…to the lack of lore about their transformation. Elves in general are magic sponges I could argue blood elves sucking up holy energy from the sunwell make them a new race by that standard. They are elves of different flavors that based on their magic sustenance/connection seem different.

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Quilboar’s is actually born from the fallen boar wild god. The first ones was it’s body parts that came to life on it’s own. Nothing natural about that.

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I saw it more as pros using that analogy in an attempt to demand that the horde should share the toy they had, so I would be careful were you point the “childish” accusations.

I see it as a reasonable retaliation for this one race to be forced to share what thay had exclusively on the horde, just because you dont see the sense of uniqueness being taken away dosent inherently make it so for others.

Maybe, just maybe there are people that are just as passionate about what blood elves are then what others are about “high elves”


They could always repurpose the witch model for them, make creepy lady playable instead. :stuck_out_tongue:

I’ve stated this before. Green Eyes also essentially qualifies.

But the two year argument will wage on with people claiming that due to gameplay limitations that you can’t play High Elves…

and so people will request changes that allow them to play High Elves.

It’s ironic, because Shadows worries about Void Elves getting eaten up by High Elves, but her complaints are going to push for more and more requests to make the playable High Elf dream possible.


I honestly don’t think so. If some things can be made true for the request, then I think the HE Request would die out.

  • More Hair Options and Hair Colours.
  • Options to hide the Visual Effect of Entropic Embrac racial.
  • More of a detailed story, something that can actually really help push for the Void Elf/High Elf story, as to maybe why we’re getting these customisations too.