New Customization Options for Blood Elves and Void Elves

An old god? What?

It’s not a question of a valuing the race they play though is it?

Well, that was easy.

:scream: Well said!!! :clap:


Callistus there claimed… I’ll just quote it again.

could he have confused old god with wild god?

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Maybe. He hasn’t responded yet.

I hope so.


Well, the first week of Legion I met a night elf demon hunter named ‘Illidania’ who claimed she was the ‘secret daughter’ of Illidan. When I asked 'Who’s the mother?" I got 'It’s a secret" >_>


This is trying to portray the critique as “childish”, an attempt to downplay the problem people have with this.

Obviously people put some value in there race, as evident by the people speaking out against having something that they once had and now being forced across factions.

You can have your opinion on it, but that dosent mean theres should not be considerd as valid feedback and criticism also.

Btw, I used the toy analogy since thats what I saw a few pros comparing it to.


At least it’s not some cake and ice cream analogy.

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both sides are getting them

Actually all Trolls will start in Exile’s Reach by default in Shadowlands, as will all non ARs.

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I seriously doubt Blizzard wants to deal with the PC police who would come out of the woodwork over thin human female models.

I didn’t know about that. That’s pretty interesting. Though not surprising due to the constant fight with Forest Trolls out there.

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But they will be starting out in the new Shadowlands zone. Plus dwarves and trolls are still dwarves and trolls, just from different clans and tribes. Even if Void Elves also start there, they will still be able to use the void portal in Stormwind to travel to Telogrus Rift, which is something that only Void Elves can use.

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Wild God. Just mistyped. Made that post while playing vermintide with friends.

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If you’re a regular Troll, he’ll say “Be gone filthy creature. Why anyone would tolerate your filth is beyond me.” If you’re a Zandalari, he won’t vendor with you, but will just have his normal gossip text.

Doesn’t matter. There are still plenty of gameplay issues that will make it obvious. Like I said, if you roll into the Hinterlands the Wildhammer Dwarves will treat you like a Bronzebeard.

Someone else said somewhere that Wildhammer are the reason they’ve got Dwarf Shaman. But those aren’t Wildhammer Shaman’s, those totems are Bronzebeard totems.

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Tyrande of course!

That’s really interesting.

But while it’s obvious the idea of Blizzard showing it on a wider scale is less likely. Racism versus different species is talked about quite a bit in Warcraft III itself.