New Customization Options for Blood Elves and Void Elves

I’m referencing all the badly shaped faces.

canon* Sorry pet peave.


I was asking if you would accept that if the devs said it.

I can see the two groups uniting under a single banner. That doesn’t mean they would all have to turn to the void however. Kind of like how the Argent Crusade and Ebon Blade joined forces in WOTLK.


If they actually said that, yes. It’s very unlikely to happen though. They deliberately keep things like that vague so that they have wiggle room later.

It’s been 2 years and we still haven’t been told when Umbric and his followers were exiled, just that it was after the restoration of the Sunwell. So anytime between Wrath and Legion. I head canon it was during Wrath because void research to stop the Lich King and the Scourge seems more likely then doing so after their defeat, but I can’t prove it.

It’s more of the fact that High Elves are always said to be mostly scattered and not really unified.

A Void Covenant would give us an actual Alliance Aligned Part High Elf theme that would continue the story that many want since this seems to be the route they are taking.

Just a thought.

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If the high elf theme is to be scattered… then maybe have them join other armies… army of the light… army of the light… ARMY OF THE LIGHT!!! :crazy_face:

Lightforged High Elves! Lightforged Humans! Lightforged Dwarves! Lightforge all the races!

nah, just the wc2 alliance races. Don’t need no dirty stinkin’ horde here.

(I wanna play LF humans to make ppl go nuts about the human paladin meme… on steroids!.. Also to play closer to turalyon.)

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No Lightbound Orcs? :pleading_face:

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That can be a seperate race. From a different universe with different ways.

They can make a joke racial named “bound of the light” as a seperate race btw.

However it goes, I hope we hear something soon ish.

I’m okay with this as long as it’s Yrel that light binds me.

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( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Thin Kultiran human models walking around Kultiras, make them a toggle option in Kultiran character customization in Shadow Lands.

Thin and regular. Ironically about 80% of the kul’tiran npcs we see are just regular humans…yet the playable ones are locked into being tall and fat.

Blizz should have just made them all fat if they really wanted the playable ones to accurately represent Kul’tirans.
That or allow playable kul’tirans to have the option of accurately representing the actual “race” by having 3 body types (thin, regular or fat).

It’s just weird, but then again so are all alliance allied races except for DI dwarves.


For sure, this would add diversity in the game,
Ion mentioned at Blizzcon “ make your avatar look like you “ do adding the thin human would be great.

Muscular human, SW
Heavy set human, Kultiras
Thin/skinny human model- Kultiras
( shining shoes lol )

Thank you.

The Highmountain have antlers cause Huln Highmountain saved Cenarius during the war of the ancients and he blessed them with the antlers of Eche’ro…

A quest halfway through Highmountain explicitly shows this.


The same reason why trolls with:

The Forest Troll aesthetic start out in the Echo Isles.

The Dark Troll aesthetic start out in the Echo Isles

The Sand Troll aesthetic start out in the Echo Isles

The Ice Troll aesthetic start out in the Echo Isles

ALSO: The same reason why Dwarves with the Wildhammer aesthetic will start out in Dun Morogh.


Well… they saved Eche’ro who was a giant moose. But Nonetheless.

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Pretty sure they saved them both. First Eche’ro then Cenarius. So he blessed them and then made it so Huln’s descendants would have the antlers.

I admit I could be remembering wrong there. Not Old Gods though.