New Customization Options for Blood Elves and Void Elves

I think it’s a varied group of High and Blood Elves joining the Void Elves and going through the process to become them via the Allerian method.

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They go to 20,000. High Elven threads have done so multiple times.

Im sorry that horde got high elves first, but I dont see it as “unfair or spiteful” to sympathize with those that are currently critiquing these changes

It really isnt your place to say how people should value the race they play


Some people weren’t taught sharing is caring.


I don’t think WoW cosmology was as hammered down until chronicles came out and so it makes sense that arcane energy is represented as purple.

So why do you think its ok to criticize us for expanding our High Elf options?


What high elves? I think you mean Void Elves

And yes I do, since again, options are good till they start overlapping

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These options are High Elf options, Void elves arent regular skin toned and have blue and purple eyes.


But they are still classified as void elves.

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that’s one of the points if the wayfare is added as we think

you have to wait for the official position of blizzard

Of course, that’s how gameplay works.

But story wise, these options mean High Elves, as is eluded to in the Void elf hub, there are high elves there.


Yeah but the scryers use literal blood magic. Blood Mages seek more power… and not everyone in Silvermoon has been ok with the direction of the Blood Elves.

The Sunreavers were going to join Dalaran whether leadership approved or not.

So there are fault lines.

I’m not suggesting its a significant percentage. I’m sure some of the divisions got better after the Sunwell got restored. But there are plenty of Blood Elves who most likely aren’t ideologically Horde aligned as well.

I honestly can’t imagine how many Blood Elves there are that are likely racist against Orcs, Trolls, Tauren etc.

I personally use italics. I’ve never heard of anyone taking that to be offensive, so it’s probably safe. I hope.

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Cool stuff,

Adding the THIN/SKINNY KULTIRAN model as a toggle option in Kultiran customization options for Shadow Lands would be amazing.

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We (or at least I know I speak for myself) are not making critiques, accusations or any of the like towards the people and players who are happy with these changes. It’s mainly directed at the changes themselves, yet some continue attempting to label this as unfair, “fearmongering” or spite. I genuinely don’t understand how our feedback can be seen or taken that personally.

Makes sense, I should start using that instead. Thanks.


Could you please source this? Is there some new info from Shadowlands I missed in regards to the story? I haven’t seen where they explained void elves having different skin colors…

Once again, the odds of Blizzard being like, “We added these options so players can play the race they like, Wildhammers, Forest Trolls, Sand Trolls, But not High Elves, you just look like them!” Is vanishingly small.


You’re entitled to your opinion on this and I won’t tell you that you’re wrong, however the game has trended more in the direction of overlapping aesthetics over time, not less.

Hairstyles and hair colors have been shared among races (even cross faction), a number of the same character frames have shown up on both sides (either with tweaks on the case of Nightborne and Zandalari males or without in the case of Void Elves), both Player and NPC-wise (skinny Kul-Tirans use the Forsaken frame).

Again, you’re free to not like it (and I don’t think you’re wrong or a bad person for doing so, just to be entirely clear even if I disagree), just saying that I don’t think this is a line the game is that unwilling to cross (I mean, I’m stating the obvious here given the origin of this thread).

Just my two cents, though.

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Yeah definitely.

See how those Void Elves aren’t regular skin toned and blue eyed?

No, I meant this statement:

“These options are High Elf options, Void elves arent regular skin toned and have blue and purple eyes.”

I’m just wondering if you know something about the expansion that I don’t? Like, that’s 100% not a true statement because shadowlands isn’t even out yet and there’s NO way for you to back up this statement as a fact.

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