New Customization Options for Blood Elves and Void Elves

It’s eluded that the high and blood elves are training to be Void Elves.

They sure are, and seeing as how Void Elves didn’t get yellow or green eyed options, you can surmise that these aren’t Blood Elf options.


The literal title of this thread is “New Customization Options for Blood Elves and Void Elves” though…

So explain Forest Trolls and Wildhammer customizations

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Yes, and we see the Blood Elf ones, and they’re well and dandy.

What people are talking about is the Void Elf ones, who like even the blue said:

We done here Lights?

Nope. They were exiled for dabbling in dangerous magics harmful towards their beacon of hope “The Sunwell” not arrested for falling in line with being on the horde. So again the arrest point has no bearing on High Elf Wayfarers.

Are you really trying to use a wink, as a fact? A WINK. AS A FACT.

Sounds 100% reasonable.

I’m sorry but a winky face is not a fact lol.


I really hope we get some new hair styles for the void elves! There’s a serious lack of long hair for men. :blue_heart: :snowflake:


Trolls especially I’d imagine. There’s that bowyer who won’t vendor with you if you’re a Troll as an in game example.


Huh? Why would the void process not turn their eyes blue purple and such? Void elves have always had blue eyes.

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Uhm, I low key love that NPCs name.

the wild hammers were already represented in the dwarves is the only reason why they can be shamans, I don’t remember what patch was added

the same will happen with trolls, you have to differentiate between clans and races, what happens with trolls and dwarves is something similar with what they did with draenor orcs, it depends on your color will be your clan

Yes Lights, i’m using the wink as a fact, lets not pay attention to the rest of it.

I know critical thinking and reading between the lines is hard, but that really isn’t an excuse.

How can I explain something blizzard has barely even explained yet?

That again is still a zone stuck in the past that needs to be updated.

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honestly you have to wait for the stream
both sides can be right or neither of them

blizzard decides and if it says they are voids they are voids elfs

And if it says that it is so you can be a high elf, then they are high elves, that simple, that easy

to see when they announce the new date

Again, you can’t offer me any hard facts so until you can don’t bother because telling me a WINK means something and to read between the lines… That’s not a fact in ANY sense.

Hey i’m all for apologizing and letting it go if these do turn out to be high elf options.

The question is, will the high elf camp be as gracious?

Indeed. Times change, but sadly BC zones don’t. :slightly_frowning_face:

Silver-light blue.

Is not the same as blaringly blue.

No i’m well aware you refuse to see likely scenarios out of sheer bias, i too cannot wait for the lore behind these options.

Well I mean, last time I checked when I scroll over a Dwarf or Troll character it didnt say Bronzebeard dwarf or Darkspear troll specifically, but it does on a Void elf

So I cant say your comparisons are equal, especially with the new starting zone for all races so you dont even need to start at Ironforge or Echo isles

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