New Customization Options for Blood Elves and Void Elves

I mean, okay, I’m all for more options even down to the tiny details but the chances of this happening are so close to zero that you probably shouldn’t try dividing by it.

Not going to tell you to stop asking for it but in the meantime the new Velf options are a close second if you’re willing to reinterpret things for your own character to get “close enough”.


Oh. My bad if the capitalizing of “scholars” came across as yelling, I just wanted to emphasize it but I guess I went and overdone it. Was not my intention.

Edit: And they’re absolutely not a hive mind, they just operate under priorities, like most intelligent beings do. Sunwell, heritage, home ancestral lands they’ve almost went extinct for, versus willingly mutating themselves in the void, the enemy of their people.

I think Blizzard’s logic (for better or for worse) on this is

“Why would we add High Elves as their own race when we could roll them into Void Elves and be done with it?”

That and they might fear it will essentially render Void Elves as yet another dead allied race on the Alliance side when most will inevitably swap over to High Elves. I don’t think they want more unpopular allied races especially on the alliance side right now. That’s my theory.


I use single quotes for emphasis but that has been taken as offensive also. Some people look for things to be offended about and will always find those things. I’m actually impressed with how level you keep yourself.


This is likely what occurred, they are more than likely tired of the subject in general constantly brought up that they poke fun at it in April Fools.

Of course I think they lacked the foresight that this would end it entirely.

“An Illusion. What are you implying?”

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Thank you. I only attempt my best to come across as positive as I could, with both parties alike.

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Yeah it’s a messy situation all around. I can’t remember if I said it in this thread or some other Helf thread but if I could redo the Alliance Elf AR in Legion here’s what I would have done:

1.) The Race we get are the High Elves.

2.) Vereesa and Arator already go to Argus together so you could add in a few other High Elf npcs even if they’re just in the background. Just enough to give them the feel of having some kind of force there.

3.) When we find Alleria we find the “Void Elves.” The Void Elves are actually High Elves that were part of the Alliance’s Beyond the Dark Portal army that survived Draenor’s destruction and escaped with Turalyon & Alleria and they had been fighting with them and the Army of the Light through the nether for “1000 years.” They follow Alleria in her study of the Void under Locus Walker.

4.) They actually get their own Rep faction. The Krokuul guy’s could have gave Army of the Light Rep and the Void Elves would have been the other Rep faction we had on Argus. When you get exalted with them you unlock Alliance High Elves.

5.) The High Elf Allied race is what people asked for with the proper classes etc. But with it also comes all the Void Elf options and customizations. Maybe under this scenario Umbric wasn’t a Silvermoon Exile but one of Alleria’s troops who survived Draenor’s destruction in Beyond the Dark Portal.


I feel like this isn’t totally fair to say either, from a gameplay perspective they’re obviously still Void Elves, but we know Void elves to be the group of Blood Elves involved in the ethereal accident, not what these customization options show, which is regular skin tone and blue and purple eyes, possibly even more requested hairstyles and colors.

We’ve also seen High Elves studying in the same hub as them, it’s not outlandish to think of these options as canonical High Elves on the Alliance.

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I just look at these customisations options for Void Elves to allow us to be Alliance High Elves through the Void Elves. At the end of the day, that is Blizzards goal with these customisations for the races. To allow each race to be who they like through there parent race.

I mean yeah, I literally said that much two or three posts back, lol. This is wide open for interpretation in whatever direction you want right now.

The “close enough” was in regards to not having a completely separate AR for them. Which… sure, people can keep asking for them I guess, nothing wrong with doing that, but it’s not happening anytime soon and probably not ever at this point.

I think it’s 99% likely the options are to reflect High Elves but I still hope there’s reference to it. Even if its something about Void Elves joining the Silver Covenant or forming some new group together of Alliance Thalassians.

I think the fact that the High Elf npcs are using the new purple eyes also backs this up.


Can only hope. Can’t wait to hear the real story to the Void Elves and Alliance High Elves.


If only the Alpha would update some Alliance races instead of even more Blood Elf options and even Tauren options, while Night Elves and Worgen are still missing.

I’m hoping for big things if they’re taking this long to come back.


Well, I am hoping for big things.

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“I see it as a vocal group wanting the hordes “toy””

Frankly this is your problem. If you can only see it in those terms then you are being unfair and spiteful.

It’s funny that it aligns with my analogy in using ‘toy’. So yes, it is a childish problem of perception in thinking because someone over there has a similar toy it magically renders yours worthless or devalued in some way. It really doesn’t.


That isn’t how the story played out, so the what if’s are irrelevant. Yes, some people don’t like how Void Elves were introduced. Some are still upset Blood Elves joined the Horde. Established lore is established lore. People need to accept it and move on.

Again, I’m saying the lore for Velfs could work fine for all of this.

No doubt its being added though mainly for high elf fans.

This is the biggest continuous thread I’ve seen. 5560 comments. I’m surprised it hasn’t been locked by now.

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Earendiil made a statement about Blood Elf Warfarers numbers.

But there are plenty of examples of Blood Elves who aren’t entirely loyal to the cause.

As such, it does not matter when those examples happened, only if they happened.

Thus, Burning Crusade examples are perfectly fine.