New Customization Options for Blood Elves and Void Elves

The purple eyes don’t really come off as “Voidy” though. They remind me more of Arcane.


I really don’t think there does. There’s enough room for suspension of disbelief to add some options there and just say “yeah there were some that looked like this the whole time, it’s fine”.

Also I don’t think we’re ever going to get an explicit explanation of where more Velves are coming from. I have a feeling that’s just going to keep being handwaved away at this point.

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The void elves did not choose their mutation. What you are suggesting is that the Bloodelves who defended their home, and died by the masses for it, rebuilt it, protected the sunwell all this time, would willingly walk out on all of that heritage, all the history, for a hypothetical “political disagreement with being in the horde”? Far fetched.

Yeah, but think of Shadows or Lights.

There are players who want more of the umbric stuff.

So even if Alleria’s rangers join up then the people who vibe on the current Void Elf stuff shouldn’t disappear.

I mean from future npc content.

the arcane reflection is clearer than blue

the case of the purple one can only speak of artifacts, which is the new case of veressa and her weapon

And what? You brought up a point that is considered outdated as we don’t know what’s going in BFA Silvermoon.

We are talking about Blood Elven wayfarers so your response is ignoring the context.

I don’t see what the problem is that they add more content to umbric’s people, in fact I think that if you have seen better eyes have been put on them

I interpreted part of the whole diet protest as more of a power grab than a legitimate grievance. If they didn’t like the mana wyrm diet to the extent they chose exile, but are okay with the void diet…

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They… Just exist? Do you mean as playable characters or as NPCs? There’s neutral characters of every race somewhere in the game.

If you mean as playable characters, if you need recent examples there’s High Elven Sorcerer NPCs walking around Stormwind right now, a player character could easily just be “one of those”.

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… you are missing the point.

Once again, it was a conversation about Blood Elf Wayfarers.

The one or two Blood elf SCHOLARS in the rift have not been yet explained. Elves are always interested in learning about new ways of magic. They could also be extreme outliers.


Yeah, Vereesa is rocking purple eyes. She isn’t void.

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No not really, the pc studied the void, and thus joined the VE. They should make a race for the ones who didn’t join the VE.

Yep! So are a lot of High Elf npcs from some screenshots ive seen posted in other threads.

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What are you yelling about?

Sorry you guys are upset that the Blood Elves aren’t a hive mind.

You’re still not arguing in context.

It might not be clear to him that you are quoting yourself from earlier.

Yeah. Female High Elves have purple eyes if you cruise Dalaran. I’ve actually not seen blue


Honestly may have been, else it would be another big lore inconsistency that needs explanation from Blizzard’s part. Or you know, just a few individuals being hypocritical among the Elves, no society is perfect afterall.

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Pretty easy to see that Umbric and Velves found a way to Void more elves.

I mean they voided their Hawkstriders and are seen Voiding Dinosaurs on Zandalar.

Which your point had no bearing towards. And besides we already know what those Elves are.

Blood Elves interested in becoming blueberries so they can cause the destruction of the Sunwell 2.0, All because Umbric got exiled.