New Customization Options for Blood Elves and Void Elves

Well yeah but for people who want more Void Elf stuff there has to be a reason for more Umbric Style Void Elves.

True that Lor’themar was contemplating leaving the Horde in MoP, but that was because Garrosh was absolutely racist towards everybody but Orc, and some Tauren. However that whole attempt was pretty much permanently shut down by the purge of Dalaran, not to mention that Garrosh was gone, and the Horde will never act under a Warchief anymore, but a council. Quel’thalas isn’t going anywhere.

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I mean. It kind of doesn’t matter that much what the “canon” reasoning behind the new options are (I kind of don’t think it’s likely we even see “explanations” behind any of the new variant options for anyone), people are going to play what they want to play and headcanon whatever they want for their specific character.

As far as I’m concerned whatever anyone wants to interpret behind the reasons why these are there is legit cause I kind of think that’s the point behind the expanded customizations anyways.

Want to think of your character as a High Elf that decided the Void thing sounded interesting and that it’s a sign of a sea change of the entire group? Awesome. As one of Umbric’s followers who was standing in the back row and just didn’t cook as long in the Void Cube? Sweet. As a completely unrelated High Elf that has nothing to do with the Void at all? Go for it.

Obviously if Blizzard comes out tomorrow and says “no here’s the 100% explained rational for why these options are here it’s this and nothing else, Christie Golden is writing a novel about it as we speak”, then sure, we’ve got a canon in-universe “official” explanation. Still isn’t going to stop people from deciding their character is something different.

(Also that’s almost definitely not happening I don’t think they’re going to tell us anything about “why” these are there and it’s up to us to decide for ourselves)

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I do not understand that, that they give wayfare aesthetics does not mean that they continue to add umbric, it is not that there is a limit

Silvermoon is still stuck in Burning Crusade era. So this shouldn’t be used as a point.


Yeah. But Silvermoon has a ton of Elves. A lot of them remember being part of the Alliance.

Void Elves are a potential exit.

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So they all assimilated?

when blizzard makes a radical change like this if he explains it, and tries to do it with lore, when they gave us at the beginning of expansion the golden eyes told us why

and in this case it won’t happen as if they didn’t say anything

For the rest I agree with you the role play is not taken away by anyone, today there are many humans playing with the tabard of the sc and his skins

Re-read what I posted please. I did mention that it’s not been done in that exact cloning capacity. The Nightborne at the very least differ in both model and animations. I don’t think most who are against these skin tone changes to the Void elves, would’ve been against it if Void Elves had even one of these differences that separates the appearance of a Nightborne from a Nightelf

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It seems disingenuous to me. They flipped the female ears.

The dudes have some of the same skintones.

And we offered the different model bit. Nobody was having it.

No the point is, we don’t know what a BFA Silvermoon looks like or the residents within because Blizzard hasn’t updated it. It’s stuck in a moment of time when Blood Elves were without the Sunwell and more on Edge for Survival.

We all know this is no longer the case.

This is looking at how they’re most similar, which might be fair. Yet that is still far more different from Alliance high elves and Blood Elves at their most different. However, Horde didn’t really get Nightborne, we got a low effort knock off. I think that’s a problem in itself.


They can add more customization for void elves with voidy bits without having to add more I think.

Every one is going to get expanded customization before the end.

Still waiting for my NB to say something’s not right.

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Someone asked why their were blood Elven Wayfarers

My response points out that not everyone has completely gone with the Blood Elf thing.

The only reason that it wouldn’t be relevant is if, for some reason those people all disappeared.

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Seriously though, I’m not okay with how similar they are. I want actual Nightborn.

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I meant, for the people afraid the faction is going to be eaten by High Elves.

high elves who have gone to void as alleria and end up being void elfs a very different theme

and thicken the ranks of a squad

I agree Night Elves could be done better.

I also don’t see any reasoning why the male night Elf and male Nightborne models can’t be shared.

Playing a male Nightborne stick man warrior is strange and playing a male night Elf mage could be stick boyish.

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So in this discussion I see an possible explanation for BE scholars joining the VE, but do we have any theories about any high elves that does not join the VE or horde?