New Customization Options for Blood Elves and Void Elves

I think it is very possible that they have green eyes, they should have them, what is exclusive are the purple ones, and in the case of the blood elfs the golden ones

In this case I already said that you have to wait for the stream and tell why the changes, but I’m sure it’s because of the wayfare, but we won’t know that until blizzard of a statement about the same

that may be another explanation since all the void elfs that suffered the accident have them blue

just like those of the horde are eyes that have been recovered by the sunwell

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I don’t think it’s meant to, I think it’s meant to be a tool for players to role play blue eyed high elves on either faction. Each player can decide for themselves what it means.


Not that color blue.

I agree. It’s meant so you can be a High Elf.

So many great possibilities with the stories for characters too!

Many of which connected to the Fourth War, and we have that Dark Ranger who explicitly says her and many others decided to stay with the Horde. So they could do it, and from what we know about Sylvanas she still considered herself an Elf with a connection to Quel’thalas.

Anyways heres to hoping :clinking_glasses:


Why not?

They’re adding in blue shades and a purple one. All of those could be because of the void infusion all void elves (trap or Allerian) go through.

Alleria has blue eyes after all still. Wayfarers and Scholars could easily just be returning/remaining blue due to void.

I agree full heartedly. Here’s hoping indeed. :clinking_glasses:

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It would be in that sense that they make sub-races, which I think is not,

I feel that they are going to extend the lore with the wayfare, connect the lore of the high elves in the void elfs as many have wanted

But as I repeat everything we talk about here are assumptions nobody can say 100% is this, let’s wait the stream let’s see what the blizzard point is and from there we see if it seems good or bad

the rest I do not know that thousands of posts have been discussing

It’s still super funny that people are like, Blood Elves are High Elves… but if you go to Telogrus rift there are two separate groups of Wayfarers.


That wasn’t always the case, and they only recently banned negative forum talk. When we first took a look in there a lot of extremely inappropriate things had been said about us and that was just on the top page. I didn’t know how to search on Discord at the time.

If we’re being trolled or ganged up on, we’ll ask for support in ours. We aren’t stalking anyone.

Some people on the forums trying to push conspiracy theories about us. They are trolling.

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The original Void Elves are already former Blood Elves. I wonder why Blizzard felt the need to show both. The HE presence should be there as the VEs are now Alliance and could add the Wayfarers in at some point with these customizations for example… but why do we see more Blood Elves there? That does rub me a bit wrong, we never see a huge anti Horde sentiment, the ones that didn’t fit in would be the original VEs and they already happened?

Idk it does bug me more BEs went out of there way to join up with the VEs.

It’s possible. Alleria has a very loyal ranger army.

But considering how they are handling Wildhammer, Forest Trolls, Sand Trolls, etc. It’s just as likely this is just how they are planning to give High Elves to the Alliance.

Just imagine the blizzard announcement: “We have added customizations so people can play what they want! Except for Void Elves!”

Agreed, especially when it has not been done in this exact, cloning capacity to any of the core races before, and it’s not happened for a very good reason… crossing faction boundaries. Then when you consider it’s also been the Horde’s most popular race for a very long time now, it’s definitely and understated issue and an oversight from Blizzard.

Perhaps some blood elves felt the same as the void elves but were hesitant at first on the void?

Or maybe news is just spreading and a few holdouts are giving in…?

You could go a few ways with that I think.

Don’t get me wrong I agree. It’s most likely that this is mainly for high elf fans to RP what they want.

I just mean you can see lore reasons for this for void elves. One need not erase the other.

As far as subrace and groups… I kinda want that. Especially since Wildhammer should have their darned Stormhammers!

Hang out in Silvermoon more. People get arrested for questioning the Blood Elf Regime.

Quel’lithian Lodge was all High Elven Exiles. And Lor’themar tried to leave the Horde in Mists.

There are plenty of Blood Elves that aren’t into it.


It is clear so that people can do role play, and denying that is unquestionable, they will play their characters as they want

but I feel that all the changes will be explained with lore, and among them introducing the wayfare

Yeah. And Entropic Embrace customization would bring it home. You could have High Elves, Alleria Style Void Elves and Umbric style Void Elves.

High Elves and Void Elves hang out in the mage district. We vibin’


They need to if they want Void Elves to be more than a Squad.

Sure and making the lore of them stronger, and they have the differentiating gene strong enough to finally distinguish them from the blood elfs

and if they get normal hairs and everything,

But one thing will be the lore of what you are playing and another the role play you want to do, surely you will be more comfortable so as you were before at least

Nightborne. I’m a Night Elf player. It’s obnoxious when people pretend like the Nightborne don’t exist.