New Customization Options for Blood Elves and Void Elves

Yeah, but if it’s cosmology complaints then Blood Elves are hanging on the Fel/light side of things with some arcane. (Sort of.)

Void Elves hanging out at the Void and arcane side if High Elves join.

My Blood Mage could use some dope fel stuff.

I think as far as a cosmology dichotomy is concerned, void/arcane vs light/arcane is enough of a contrast. With that said, I can’t speak for any player but myself. If there’s a large enough audience for Felblood Elves, I won’t stand in the way of the request.


Rather than railing against adding normal skin options and possible hair, they should be focusing their attention on asking for more voicy options-- with the critical change in their arguments in having them IN ADDITION to ‘High Elf skins’.

One does not have to surplant the other.

Void tattoos could easily be added, and indeed would work on normal flesh tones as well as the blue ones.


is that it is possible that the change towards void with the high elves, is the differentiating effect that they want to give you, to give them a clear cultural and aesthetic difference.

Yeah. Every breath/distal interphalangal flexion could be devoted to furthering Void Elf stuff. Rather than convincing people who have requested High Elf stuff for 15 years to inexplicably change their minds.

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I would be upset if Felblood customization came at the expense of Undead Blood Elf customization with the Dark Ranger themes. I’ve not seen the support for Felblood as I have undead, but I support both. I just support one being first is all.


At the same time, the current Void Elves are former Blood Elves… and we just finished a cthulu patch so slapping tentacles on everything doesn’t make a ton of sense.

It must be remembered that the felblood are traitors, they are the ones who followed kaelthas in their madness to the end, they are not welcome in silvermoon

The wayfare are not blood elfs, they are high elves, so it doesn’t make sense what you are telling me, there are voids elfs like alleria that are telerus rift and they are not like the people of umbric

I know I’d personally hate this being added in place of something like dark Ranger customizations.

The felblood elves were mostly killed in TBC and would probably be seen as traitors overall.

Dark Rangers are in the horde and serve alongside their Forsaken Brothers and sisters. Much better thing to add I think.


Karl’s coming back… and Felblood customizations don’t make you part of that faction.

Also Demon Hunters exist.

I know people want to play them I’ve seen the request for that customization before but it’s normally just random off hand ideas from what I’ve seen.

I don’t dislike it, but it feels out of left field considering the support for Undead Blood Elves, and they would or imo should be fairly easy to do.

Well yeah. Tons of people want to be dark rangers and that’s the easy low hanging fruit they should do that.

I have to disagree, I dont see High elves as a unique race to the Alliance in WoW. they were never playable before TBC and The Kingdom of Quel’thalas formally left before WoW.

When the devs reinforced that Blood Elves were WoWs High Elves, it really only makes sense that people that have an attachment to that feeling to being the “true high elves” in blood elves, and now that is now being forced over faction boundaries, I see why people are upset or critiquing this decision.

I see it as a vocal group wanting the hordes “toy”, now that daddy blizz is now forcing them to share, and only them, I can it see how it would come off as catering to this vocal group with no consideration to the other side.

And now there seems to be some in that group that are still upset they couldn’t just take that “toy” for themselves


that is the madness that you want to do.

the felblood elfs are not part of silvermoon and therefore should not be playable for us as they are not part of the silvermoon elf group

the demon hunters are like the dk, they have their own organization and they are affiliated with the horde and alliance without being in their home cities

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I undead elves I see them more in the renegade faction and there they should be modifiable with the human option that nathanos has and possibly the night elves who raised in the end sylvanas options that should not be in the blood elves

We don’t know what is up with High Elves.

It’s just as likely that High Elf toned Void Elves are just supposed to represent normal High Elves.

If it’s from Wayfarers why does it cleanse Blood Elf wayfarers green eyes?


You could get away with adding in Felblood options for DH…

Though I think most of it is already there.

Tiny wings though… Let’s add that.

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That’s a pretty extreme reaction to a suggestion.

We can assume it’s doing the void thing and their eyes just turn blue like every other void elf.