New Customization Options for Blood Elves and Void Elves

Eh. No reason to he antagonistic friend. Just move on.

It’s odd people are worried about getting ignored. Just don’t troll people and the discussion continues.


I mean, I may have said something about enjoying countering your BS as you do this thing where you cram logical fallacies where they don’t belong and browbeat people with not-exactly facts. But I’ve never declared I’m chasing you down. We just frequent some threads in common.

It’s odd they think it’s somehow wrong to do when people actively troll. :man_shrugging:

Like… that’s the point of ignore.

It was awhile back. We’ve posted hundreds of times and it’s not like I’m gonna keep a list of times people were jerks to me on the internet.

That being said it would be nice if you would stop. I don’t mind discussing things with you. But even this, “BS” and logical fallacies bit is rude. Discuss things with me… or ignore me. But this antagonistic crap is lame.

You say that as if you and others are not antagonistic yourself. You’re just getting back what you have put into these conversations.


Be careful, by saying this surely the “slippery-slope”-er drama queens will assume you mean “I want to be a night elf orc undead dwarf paladin!”

I think the void elf visual racial looks awful and should just stay non-visual like every other racial passive in the game. Or have a toggle option for those that apparently like it.


Yeah. It seems like they are worried it will happen to them? But once again, that’s just the repurcussions of trolling.

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and elekks. hehe purple ones, blue ones, brown ones, tan ones, gold ones, grey ones, pink ones, orange ones, black ones, some with spots, some with gems, some without

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Yeah. I think a toggle is good. Some people want that look. But turning it off would be good too, as long as you have the choice.

I definitely am not stalking you or taunting you frequently. Refusing to stop is pretty childish.

Kirin Tor is involved in world ending plots and Dalaran has been the prime feature of two expansion. Should that mean the horde get humans since we have a habit of working with humans who are against the alliance.
The alliance has had a goblin working for SI7 for sometime now.
The notion of “well we work with them means we should have them.” doesnt work. Mainly since every other example of working with an opposing race isn’t used as a means of justifying playability.
Playability is clearly based around existing design. hence the void elves.
This is clear given what is stated by Ion and why high elves were pushed out of the line for void elves.

The claim of an illogical argument requires you demonstrate why it is illogical. Furthermore, the comparison does not work because anti-vaxcxers = arguing against scientific fact.
The comparison does not work because it equates my opinion, as arguing against scientific fact, of which your views and opinion are not.
it is improper, specifically when stating I am fear mongering with my view about the void elf options.
So the comparison isn’t appropriate, and the actual “proof” was non-existent. it is basically akin to calling someone a racist without reason.

The statement of telling “everyone ignore this person because I dont agree with them” is a form of bullying Dorp. It was why it was removed in the first place.

how so?
People have a right to disagree. Getting upset someone does not agree with you is not appropriate nor healthy.
Saying “you’re wrong to deny me” is an opinion.

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No offense, but having personally read a lot of posts in this thread, and coming across your own… I’ve seen a lot of what any average forum user would consider trolling, or at the very least negative towards others.

Not the greatest of highgrounds to be labeling others as “trolls” from.

This is a mere observation and not a personal attack. I just feel like after the volume of negativity I’ve read from you, somethings need to be called out.


And if he did it to lots of people on the thread for an extended period of time do you think it would be appropriate for users to discuss putting him on ignore so that the thread could stay on topic?

(That’s not a recommendation Cezol. Just trying to promote understanding.)

I’m vibing with what you are saying Dorp. Like usual. I’m just out of likes.

Alpha servers still down. Tomorrow will be a busy day for me, but, hopefully, it will be up and I’ll be able to test character customization to see what’s enabled or fixed in the newest build.

Good night, everyone!


I don’t mind, because I’m aware.

I’m actively aggressive to those to choose to spread misinformation and throw insults and accusations for the purpose of hindering the customization requests in the way they’ve been presented.

Anyone new to the conversation wanting to learn I speak to regularly, anyone who has been around long enough to know the discussion and still chooses to lie and spread misinformation, I have 0 respect for, especially if they barge in pointing their finger with blames of greed when all high elf fans are really doing at this point is working with the avenue that’s been presented.

warning potential spoiler

Spoiler potential

naga allied race?

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Cezol, you need to chill out. Put those people in your ignore list (Your Portrait > Your Name > Preferences > Users), and you’ll be happier and those people sadder. Restraint is the better option.


My personal wishlist for races and allied races:

  1. Blood Elves get Darkfallen aesthetic options to make San’layn and Dark Ranger characters.
  2. Non-tentacle version of Void Elf hairstyles shared with Blood Elves.
  3. Void Elves to get at least a few Human hairstyles and hair colors shared with them and the ear size options that Blood Elves are getting.
  4. Nightborne to inherit most Night Elf skin tones, to get new face options to make them look closer to the NPCs, and male nightborne to get some non-ugly faces and have their legs beefed up so they aren’t so spindly looking.
  5. Lightforged & Highmountain to inherit most of their parent race’s skin tones, hairstyles, and hair colors.
  6. Forsaken to get a few skin tones that are closer to living flesh tones and someday, hopefully, a Nathanos-style body option.
  7. Goblins get Gilgoblin customization options.
  8. Kul Tirans to someday, hopefully, get the option to use the Stormwind Human model and vice versa.

That’s just data junk, pieces of data copied and modified with left overs from the original string.