New Customization Options for Blood Elves and Void Elves

No, but talking about it and publicly shaming him is. And yes it is a public forum available to any whom pays a subscription of the owning company, designed to help ppl talking about feed-back and discussion about the game the public forum is baised on. Even if you say it’s “private” doesn’t change the fact you are group shaming him on a site viewable by anyone. And yes, you guys made this a subject of the thread by making well over 200 posts of “ignore this guy” to several different ppl that isn’t even remotely being rude. It’s annoying going through that trash to even get a single discussion point going on.


Personally I think you all were shafted on mounts How many more horses do you need for god sake. do you not have other options?
Fix the GOD AWFUL gnome bug eyes on the females.
restore the busts for all the females. Serious I never asked for a boob reduction and yet every player race had it done to them. Have you honestly looked at Valeera Sanguinar at the great seal, why can’t we have boobs like hers?

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Seems like you guys are trying to make this announcement thread hit 20k as well, not that it bothers me, but it’s funny seeing this happening here. :smile:

I’m bored can anyone give me any ideas?

But! but! how can one be a white knight without a wide amount of choices of horses!!!


Look, we all have memories, and people like you and Callistus show up enough that it’s not exactly a feat of stalkery to have an impression of you. And you know, when he’s had such feats as calling us sociopaths for disagreeing about pixel elves, that sticks in the mind. So, what, oooooo, we facepalm and laugh about it when he’s in here doing things like castigating people for doing what he says is right like I’ve been doing here. And who can forget his doubling down on the femurs. I mean, I’ve been here enough that it’s to be expected that people have their opinions of me, and even if they’re not flattering it’s not stalking, it’s just how we get along.

Seriously, I in no way worry about how outside people looking at my interactions with you, or Callistus or a few other people will think about me.

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Gotcha so talking about a troll who’s trolling shouldn’t bother the troll if they think they’re right hu?

Feel like it works the same in this scenario

Doesn’t seem to bother you any.

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I’m out of likes, but I couldn’t have said this any better.


Dude… there is such a thing as variety or I would think so … I mean BUT HORSES> you have one for every day of the week what is next Horse of the month?

Seriously don’t laugh I played Lord of the rings on line every holiday you got a new HORSE… and it was never a repeat of the following year it was new for every year. … I can’t imagine how much middle earth smells like a big stinking pile of horse poo.


I like what we’ve seen for gnomes so far! Purple hair! Some of the new styles are cute too. I want some cog tattoos though.

Good chests are npcs only!


Why would it, I don’t actively lie about lore and fear monger, I correct misinformation and call out said fear mongers on their biased hypocrisy.

There’s a difference sweetheart, it’s not on me that you’re not aware you’re biased.

Oh man, I needed that laugh.

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Yup, I said my piece, I hope this thread is better tomorrow. good night all.


Lol cute, you’re doing that thing where you pretend you’re right since you’ve never had any valid points to make but horde-victimhood.

As always Tarrok, it’s a pleasure to show people your true face, probably why I keep you around. :kissing_heart:

I’m sorry if you feel I’m copying your schtick

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cries on your shoulder so NOT fair… I feel so bad for being a member of the little bitty … committee, while MS Valeera Sanguinar is popping out all over.

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You have literally posted about dedicating yourself to countering things I say. Me personally. That’s stalkerish friend.

I don’t care, but trying to taunt me in every conversation is trollish and declarations of intent against me are creepy. Its another poster who talks about talking about me and coordinating in discord groups.

But all that stuff is concerted efforts at cyberbullying. Ignoring people who are acting in bad faith is ignoring people…

If the dudes who stalk me want to put me on ignore that’s no skin off my back. Plenty of good people to spend time with talking too here.

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Difference is I’m actually good at it.

You know, since I’m right about High Elves and you lying about them isn’t the same.

But keep pretending you have a point. :heart:

I for one am looking forward for confirmation the High Elf wayfarers in the rift will be new Void Elf recruits.

My mage is going to use the customization and be my High Elf wayfarer with a deep respect and unwavering loyalty to Alleria, and her vision for the Thalassian Elves on the Alliance.

My priest will still be my former Blood Elf for his background, a former (current perhaps idk) Sylvanas loyalist who is gaining respect for her sister Alleria every day.

My warlock is desperately awaiting Undead Blood Elf customizations. And I want more jewelry!

Both Void Elves and Blood Elves need tattoos still / something that fits their themes of course.

And I do hope there is truth to the entropic embrace toggle for all the community that would like that visual effect to be off, it’s not something I’m for on my personal characters but I’m rooting for you guys :slight_smile:


I’m just not sure what else secondary skin toggle could do for Void Elves. It’s a pretty specific effect…

And once again the expansion as far as character customization is concerned is supposed to be about letting players be who they want to be.

Maybe this is what they were talking about all the way back in the Germany interviews.

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