New Customization Options for Blood Elves and Void Elves

Which is why most of them are on ignore.

I am rather impressed by the accusations of lying without actual proof of said lies.

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blood elf bracelets

I can’t wait for these changes to go into game!

I’ve been saying this for the past 2 years and got a lot of :poop: for it.

Massive slippery slope.
As a neutral faction, the silver covenant have never acted as a neutral faction and have always represented the alliance end of whichever battle whether it was vs the scourge, the legion, the thunder king, the Zandalari and the horde.

They also have a blood elf, that doesn’t mean that blood elves should join the alliance.
You’re comparing an individual to an entire group of people that have never been blood elves, and who’ve stayed alliance.

Correct, except this doesn’t even apply to high elves, who’ve been a distinct group that are part of the alliance, actively assisting the alliance in game and in the books since wotlk.
I’ve already given you a list of every time the high elves assisted the alliance in the past, I feel like were just going over the same discussion now.

You are fear mongering by assuming more options for people who want to play void elves is somehow detrimental. Your view of wanting to take away is morally inferior to those who are happy to see others receiving new options.
It’s not calling someone racist without reason, it’s more you saying something akin to “I’m not racist, but imo x race is weird”. It’s just your opinion, but your opinion is innately detrimental.

Fair enough, I just don’t see the point of pretending to be a bully victim when you troll.

You’re actively trying to take something away that doesn’t affect you.
Whereas the other group is simply requesting a cosmetic appearance that’s accurate to what’s shown in game.

It would be like you wanting to barr people from eating watermelon because you don’t like the taste of watermelon. But hey, it’s just your opinion right? It’s not directly harmful, you’re not actually hurting anyone by taking away their rights to watermelon!
You would however, be morally wrong to barr these people from eating watermelon, because obviously their consumption of watermelon does not affect you.

It has nothing to do with agreeing/disagreeing.


If I were to be an elf from LoTR I’d be Galadriel.

It is great if people want to RP this.

Then I don’t have to accept your feelings either.


But you DO have to accept the FACT that no options are being removed from Blood Elves or Void Elves.


Lol so your issue with the entire high elf request
is because you don’t like Lord of the Rings.

Okay :ok_hand:

Our feelings aren’t trying to take away options from you, you are.

Seeing the difference yet?

I’ve honestly never been a huge fan of LoTR but all I see when I hear Galadriel is her “REEEEEEEEEE” terrifying moment when she sees the ring.

They are not losing any current customization, but any added customization will be taking up space other additional options would use. Void elf options take time and spaces that high elf options could occupy and vice versa. There’s a limited number of things they’ll add to a race. So it’s pretty dishonest to label this as not hurting anyone because nothing current will be removed when the worry is that they’ll be shortchanged in the future.

yeah i have trouble deciding. either her or arwen or even eowyn. i like eowyn’s defense of her dying father. i like arwen’s dedication to her man, and galadriel’s dedication to her people. also like goldberry, because who wouldnt. haha

This is largely incorrect. The silver covenant did indeed act in a neutral faction capacity. In WotLK they worked with the sunreavers against the lich king.
in moP they participated in the faction war against the horde and then against the thunder king.
In legion, they were entirely neutral, working with the kirin tor (neutral) in Suramar.
in BFA, they are completely absent, and are not present until horde and alliance come together to overthrow Sylvanas.
So I am unsure where you obtained the notion they are wholly alliance when most of the time, they don’t ever assist only the alliance.

That is my point Dorp. Individuals or minor groups do not constitute towards playability at any point. What does is design, and hence Ion’s statement in the past along with other statements by devs. They don’t view it in terms of “well how long has the player interacted with this group?”. Such a thing is arbitrary and dependent on the story entirely.

Why would it not apply to high elves? You’re saying “it doesnt apply to high elves caused we worked with a distinct group.”.
Okay, the horde has worked with 2 to 3 distinct human groups that are specifically anti-alliance. Clearly this does not work in terms of determining playability.

Fearmongering or scaremongering is the spreading of frightening and exaggerated rumors of an impending danger to purposely arouse fear

Saying “I don’t view this because it creates a lack of distinction” is fear mongering? It does not even apply Dorp, trying to even suggest it is facetious at best.

Where have I stated I want something take away? I’ve never made this type of statement at any point. Let alone, you have no means of proving it to be moral superior or inferior because it is a non-moral issue.

you’re trying really hard to defend a bad comparison that you’re dipping into other bad comparisons.
its calling someone racist when they’ve said nothing related to it in comparison or anything of the same line of thinking.
This is why you, nor the mechagnome who made the statement have any underlying reason besides “well he is fear mongering because I said he is, and spreading false info because I said so” even though you have nothing to support the claims.

Seriously, prove that my statement is fear mongering and false information. Otherwise, you will have to admit you were incorrect. Which I guess is worse than calling someone something inappropriate somehow.
I am not going to throw salt in your face for admitting you misunderstood or were wrong.

Demonstrate where I have actively trolled? Somand thought I was trolling her, and after a discussion she realized I wasn’t and we came to amicable ends.
Same for Lann. He thought I had a certain view, and we talked about it.
if you believe ive trolled, feel free to ask me about something, otherwise, you’re just adding to toxicity with such labels. intentionally or not.

Okay, and in what way is it wrong to say
“I don’t agree with this because of X.”?
It gives the appearance of you claiming your position is right because of the connotation of adding something, but it ignores that this addition comes at the loss of uniqueness and exclusivity, important aspects of the game to which people enjoy.

This comparison does not work because there is no direct/indirect effect.
A more accurate comparison is you slicing up a water melon and eating it, when I told you “That is my water melon you are eating.”

or even better, cutting my water melon in half to take half of it, when I didnt agree to it.
It has everything to do with agreeing/disagreeing.

You’ve no grounds to argue moral superiority.

Edit: Anyway, we clearly are not going to agree on anything.

The matter of the anti-vax statement was wrong, and you’ve several helfers agreeing it was wrong. So I think its pretty safe to say if both sides think it was improper, it probably shouldnt ahve been said.

Anything else related to high elves is clearly not something we will agree on.
Feel free to discuss that aspect, I won’t respond simply since it won’t be fruitful, and that is nothing against you. Just understanding the discussion at play

She, Elrond, and Haldir are my favorite elves in LoTR. I do like Legolas, but he’s not my fave elf.

I hate movie Arwen. Eowyn is the best, though not an elf. I also like Goldberry.

There is no indication of a “limit” on the number of options we can have and just because a certain option may not be specifically void-themed, does not mean it can’t be used with existing void-themed options for an aesthetically appealing look that fits into the void-theme.

We have a fair selection of void-themed options already and no High Elf themed options until pre-patch hits. If you want to be “concerned” about the number of High Elf themed options vs. the number of Void themed options, wait until AFTER we see what we get in pre-patch, because right now we’re all flying blind in that regard.


This speculation is just dishonest.


I mean
how long were nightborne in a bad shape?
how long were worgen in a bad shape?

many things workin the function of years, not months.