New Customization Options for Blood Elves and Void Elves

choosing to ignore someone, from a personal prespictive should remain a personal choice not to be discussed, by discussing it you are creating a peer pressure esque of bullying. Also, it certainly not on topic of this thread.


Yeah but similar is an issue if there is an argument about Blood Elf skin exclusivity. Which has never been promised by Blizzard in the first place.

Nightborne are Night Elves with flipped ears (or who haven’t hit the gym in the males case.) So they gave Night Elves to the horde. The same isn’t true for Void Elves. The argument that they wanted things to be distinct in BFA is contradicted.


but many of us are happy and we’re just making further suggestions. nothing wrong with that.


Eh. Go troll a group of people and see if they don’t, as a group, discuss your behavior.

If you have someone acting in a socially unacceptable manner and you see someone else interacting with them hopelessly then giving that person a warning about their behavior is logical.

It’s our freetime and our discussion. We can decide how to spend it.

But guess what? You don’t have to put him on ignore. Feel free to argue with him as much as you want.


We are just requesting other customizations we want to see.


suggestions are fine but some are being militant and that is not helping. I think the Company royally messed up and failed to listen to the customers 100% void elves were not wanted but High Elves were.

The sheer fact people made very valid points and showed how both races could be different thru the customization were just openly ignored or the company just did the biggest troll job.

The honest fact the player base had way better options that the narrow minded deves had and it shows in how they just dumped void elves in and said have at it.

It’s a public discussion where public shaming is a thing. This is a form of bullying, and is not on topic. I would like to request you to refrain from going off topic.


You do realize that’s why that poster is doing that, right?


Oh you mean for several expansions since wotlk? Being directly involved in horde/alliance conflicts as well as world-threatening conflicts?
I’m sorry but you’re just ignoring in game facts now.

The only alliance goblins are neutral, and while I wouldn’t mind seeing Jinyu playable, they are not nearly as popular as high elves.

I told you it wasn’t an appropriate comparison, you are the one refusing to see the actual point that was made though (you making illogical statements like the one above, and trying to justify it) and more focused on the term anti-vaxxer.

You being ignored is not the same as you being trolled. If someone ignores you, move on.

Just like it’s not the same when someone requests an alliance race.
And someone actively seeks to deny that races playability.
Which is why I find it amusing that certain antis think they deserve to be treated like angels when they’re actively expressing their detrimental opinion. (which goes back to the anti-vax example: An anti-vaxxer probably believes his opinion isn’t detrimental because it’s “just his opinion”, even though he is actively being detrimental)


Don’t worry about me, I’m hardly even invested in this as a whole since I never played, and probably will never play any Elves.

But what you guys have done Today, and honestly goes back further before to a lesser extent, is pretty much what the white-bearded Draenai paladin explained above: Cyber bullying. I urge you to stop, try to see things from others’ perspective and potentially preserve this already rapidly declining Warcraft community.


You are going off topic talking about it.

If someone is derailing the thread and or acting inappropriate towards others then discussing it is not off topic.

Once again. Feel free to engage that person in discussion as much as you want.

Also, it’s not a public forum. It’s a private forum owned by a private company.

And, why are you going off topic trying to force people to interact with a troll?

If you would stop discussing it we wouldn’t be talking about it.


That is called ignoring the issue and deflecting it away. I saw nothing he wrote as trolling or being abusive.

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Again. I’m pretty sure that’s what that poster is doing.

We should all stop bickering.


Putting a troll on ignore isn’t cyber bullying.

You’re literally talking to a dude who is in a forum with people who have admitted that they have an axe to grind against him and admitted to talking about him in discord channels about him and admitted to coordinating against him. That’s questionably cyber bullying.

Ignoring someone who has rudely trolled people in the forum discussions for months to years isn’t cyber-bullying.

Feel free to interact with the dude. Discuss all you want.

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Someone’s got an inflated sense of self-importance.

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Once again, congratulations on not being trolled by the dude for the last few months-years.

Feel free to interact with him.

I agree we should but some refuse to believe people have the right to disagree and if they do they should be shamed and bullied and made fun of.

the fact the orc and paladin get it and see it for what is is and no one else does is troubling.

But I Digress again.

Look I honestly wish you had actually picked up what you all wanted from the company That includes High Elves and danger noodles from Voldune. I think both would have stopped the faction issues way better than the company just openly ignoring it and upsetting the community even more.

What other options do people want to see, for any race or AR?

I wouldn’t even remotely put it past you or bro.

I love you pretending you aren’t around enough to not have people witness your bile. :heart: