New Customization Options for Blood Elves and Void Elves

This is completely dumb, but if it is going to make GD shut up about the subject…

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So what do Blood Elves get in exchange for giving our entire race and all of our customization options to the Alliance?

Cause we dang well better be getting something out of this.


You get to live :smiley:


They represent a zero sum game: because these were added others will not be added.

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Well if this thread is legit. Thank you for listening.

Anyways on the topic of eye colour. I don’t understand the obsession with it but I figured I would ask for this eye colour I seen in a wowhead article.

I haven’t seen it displayed on any of the other articles. I think it looks nice. Maybe a nice red would work good too. A long with a lighter skin tone (much more pale, not with blue tinge) and you can appeal to the players asking for Dark ranger look also.

I think some great smoky eye make up would work awesome with it or just black/ash war paint would really compliment the look others have been asking about. (Dark Ranger)

I have been supporting make up and warpaint for all races. :blush:

Thank you for listening. I hope they continue to do so.


They look exactly the same aside from higher polygon count to my elf hating eyes.

Also they aren’t as far as i know removing any of the previous customization options, these are additions.

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They could get non tentacle options, which void elves should also get anyway.

So you gonna throw us goblins any love or you too obsessed with these knife ears to wanna focus on any of the other races?

The exception being Nightborne. They need love as well.

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I was always pro “Void elves are good the way they are” but major kudos to everyone and the Blizzard team.

In the end, more options is always better.

Very nice looks like one of my races will be bloodelf again soon.

Can my void… erm… HIGH elf be a paladin too?

Please and thank you!


Blue eyes and uncorrupt Tolkien archetype without any tenticles.
We can rub that in their faces forever

Don’t wanna sound greedy gladly take this and if it’s just this I won’t complain, but I do hope they get at least a couple of the blood elf/human hair options so they don’t all have tenticles in their hair, don’t need all the hair just a couple hopefully

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No, that goes against everything a void elf represents.
If you want to worship the light with blue eyes and bask in the glory of the Sunwell, the Silvermoon Bloodknights are waiting for you.


Any word if Void Elves will also get the ear length choice, if datamining is accurate? Having those short ears would up my xmog game by a factor of 9000.


Void Elves already do have a handful of hairstyles sans tentacles.

That said, wouldn’t say no to a few more.

They are given our entire list of customization options and ‘blue eyes’ are what we get in return? How is that fair to the people that have been playing this race since Burning Crusade?

The Alliance got their High Elves they wanted so badly, fine. Blood Elves should get something they’ve wanted just as much for just as long.

Druids. It’s the only fair compromise.


The answer is probably gonna be no. The Majority play humans elves orcs and undead so that’s where all the customization focus is.

So will you be giving the Void Elves the hairstyles of the Blood Elves too? I refuse to play a Void Elf as my main (even though I seriously want to) because the Void self hairstyles the men have are just not what they should be. They’re disgustingly . . . Oily. My absolute favorite hairstyle for the guys is “Slicked”.

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Comparing a class combo to a eye color is frankly put, absurd.