New Customization Options for Blood Elves and Void Elves

I can actually agree with you here!

Also, why are you guys ganging up on ppl that is disagreeing with you guys? This is a discussion thread for a reason imo.

They do have overlapping skintones. Once again, my Male Night Elf and Male Nightborne have the same color of skin

And approximate colored skin is a foul isn’t it?

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On this note, this is not necessarily true. In fact, there are many cases of social isolation being utilized as a form of bullying. A group of individuals deciding something does not immediately denote it as not bullying. It is largely within the context of the action being taken by the group and the reasons behind it along with the behaviors of the person in question.


you were all screaming for Orcs when the Shadowmoon valley clan was shown.

Many on here now are demanding Taurens be shipped over to the Alliance cause they fit better.

When does the demands stop happening?

Only because we want to have steak on tuesday!

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Who is, “We all?” I’ve never met an Alliance player who wanted playable orcs.


You have Baine and Mayla have at it. We don’t want either back.

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i think human females have similar problem. there’s a pair of shoulders from tbc, that shows this pretty clearly. was first time i noticed it.

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The requests will never stop.

Whatever helps you sleep at night man.

Meanwhile we will continue to ignore Trolls if necessary. Sorry if that worries you.

If it makes you nervous I’d recommend polite discussion. Not being a jerk goes a long way.

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But how are they being trolls if they simply disagree with you and argue with points? Or even pointing out your contridictions?

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every female I think has the same issue now not sure how it carried over to them all but it’s there. I don’t even like the over sized weapons blood elf and void elf females carry half the time I think my character should fall over backwards to the over sized weapon or should be spinning around out of control using 1 handed.

it is no longer requesting anymore it’s demanding and that is how many now see it .

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We haven’t, as a group, recommended ignoring people who disagree with us.

We haven’t even talked about ignoring Tarrok and that dude is rude.

We aren’t talking about ignoring anybody currently disagreeing with us.

So you never got trolled by the dude. Good for you.


Ok, you got me, I checked before on the female models and didn’t realize that they have different sets of colors for the sexes. There’s a few more skin tones that are a bit closer on male than when I checked with the female model (which was just because that’s how it was set up when I checked, and didn’t realize the sexes got different skin tones.)


Yeah man. My Nightborne and my Night Elf Druid share a skintone.

I guess it is odd the colors are different but I noticed it in the past
 and having a pair of characters with the same skin tones makes it more obvious.

How is it a demand?


They are closer but not the same.
There is more blue in the nightborne skin where as there is more green in the night elf one

They’re close enough for me that it’s not obvious at least. On the female model there’s one set of skins that are similar but obviously different. But I’m not going to fire up the photo editing software to do any testing on this one

okay i can answer that. It’s how certain people are answering and trying to silence others out from the conversation.

It’s like the Horde Bias threads every week Many people said on the first day of the new customization that people will not be happy and the goal post would be moved again and people would still demand and sure enough it happened. what should have been win win was turned into NOT WHAT WE WANT and it still is.