New Customization Options for Blood Elves and Void Elves

this is my nb - i’m hyperspace alt - and i do see she has a pretty taut calf muscle but i actually think its smaller than nelf calves lol

p.s. support us. support us. we just wanna have fun.

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So yeah, the one skin tone that would be almost identical if viewed in black and white, but it a decently different color. I mean, I’m slightly RG color blind (it’s more a n issue with not distinguishing subtle tone differences and not being able to pick up patterns in those colors) and they’re pretty obviously different to me.

i hate how bad they look and I have a mage. another thing to look at is from the side. The sternum is actually protruding past the busts. shoes on NE and NB are a train wreck so are the poor hands. Also just like the NE NB also suffer from bad shoulder rigging where one is slightly higher than the other.

Nah, we have ignored a constant troll… and recommended to others to ignore that troll to prevent others from being trolled.

I can see how, if you want to troll someone, being ignored is disheartening. After all ignoring trolls is the best way to get the negative behavior to stop. In this situation we are just using forum tools to get it done.

Everybody here is willing to have a discussion with people. We disagree with you. We haven’t ignored you.

But if you constantly trolled the thread then perhaps we would.


So that’s fair? The Nightborne have very similar skin tones to Kaldorei.

The Void Elves don’t have any similar skin tones.

No please do, just don’t spread misinformation anymore.

:kissing_heart: :kissing_heart: :kissing_heart:

neither race should be sharing anything between them give each other there own models skins hair if this company can make record profits and pay it’s CEO a 100 Million bonus they surely they could have done way better than the knee jerk reaction they made of all the AR.

Just a word of warning…suggesting others ignore other users can get you in trouble


It’s still purple vs blue. They’re just about the same level of density is the main similarity. Would a similarly dense brown, or grey still be very similar?

and the same reason blizz has long ago decided not to put helfs directly

and I hope blizz reads the comments see how they behave the same


Awe well if it’s any consolation I think the blue eyes that they did add all options look very nice to me.

Hope you can enjoy them, maybe more is down the way too!

I am very optimistic for the future of undead customization for Blood Elves :grin: that’s what I am holding out for / will use if it happens!

Those are your rules? High Elves have been in the game since Vanilla and have been Alliance affiliated since Wotlk. Horde can’t get a silver covenant tabard.

At what point did they offer the Horde exclusivity to light skinned Elves?

Why were the Horde given purple skinned elves then?

Are you suggesting that Horde players somehow deserve fair skinned Elves but that Alliance didn’t deserve purple skinned elves?


So you are suggesting that the Horde deserve exclusivity of skintones for Elves and the Alliance didn’t?


That you believe he’s trolling, is very subjective and likely biased decision. I speak for myself at the very least, (I’m sure quite a few others agree), but I’ve not read any “troll posts” from that person, especially in this thread.

The way I see it, there are two groups debating/discussing, and giving their feedback on these changes, but one side in particular is riding super high on their passive aggressive, toxic filled behavior towards the other one, and many direct, personalized insults here can easily lead anybody with half a brain to see WHICH group is that. IF anybody is trolling, it’s that group.

Oh if the collective outcome of the posts made in this very announcement thread proves anything, it’s that Blizzard fundamentally screwed up with this decision, being as directly impactful as it was to both Void and Bloodelves (respectively both positive and negative outcomes of it).


That is what I am fighting for!!! I look forward to the player agency Blizzard promised should we get them my warlock will use the options :smiley:

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Nope, just pointing out you’re full of it when you try to pretend that prior to SL additions that the NB and NE have any skin tones that actually overlap.

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And after Arthas ransacked Silvermoon the majority of the High Elves changed there name to Blood Elves and joined the Horde . they never went full born back to the Alliance like some claim.

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I’ve been trolled by that dudes ad-hominems for a long time… and I don’t exist in a vacuum. There is a reason a group of people have ignored him and haven’t ignored you.

You aren’t getting bullied if a group of people decide your behavior is unacceptable.

Nobody has the priveledge of trolling me, or others as much as they want.


He has not done any of the sort. I have been reading If anything he has been very polite and respectful with his answers when others have set out to directly attack him. As Orcnroll stated

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Yeah, there are neutral everything. I’ve played Horde. I’ve killed Trolls, Orcs, Tauren, Nightborne, Blood Elves, Undead…

So many goblins

So how does that work?

People want Ogres on the Horde. I’ve killed Ogres. An Alliance request for Ogres would he weird. Canonicly they don’t hang out.