New Customization Options for Blood Elves and Void Elves

Nope, that one image that merges like 53% of a nightborne with 47% of a night elf female model actually does a really good job of showcasing the differences. Less than the male models, but still there.

Nightborn are NOT even close to the actual NPCs in look and appearance. We just was handed a craptastic Frankenstein affair and told to accept it

LFD look better than the NB


Just making sure you’re aware you never really cared, cause coming out being “I used to be a high elfer” doesn’t make you immune to criticism and doesn’t help your biased cause in demonizing us.

Try harder :kissing_heart:


Show me where you were hurt.

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I haven’t seen any of that. Peoples opinions can be wrong.

His statements have been objectively true.

Just because you don’t like what he is saying doesn’t make it less true.

Shadows can FEEL like she is losing something and be wrong about it.

And while her feelings may be valid, she is feeling that thing, that doesn’t mean that we have to accept those feelings.

Someone with agorophobia is positive life outside their walls is dangerous or deadly. That doesn’t mean that it is and certainly doesn’t mean anybody else should treat it like it is.


Oh I did care but you all changed my mind thank you. And you have reinforced the idea I made the right choice.

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I’m not the one implying that opposition to a game feature is similar to opposition to equality.

So, being hurt is just a fake concept.

No, you really didn’t, I already explained why, let’s try reading comprehension :kissing_heart:.

So you’ll be harmed if you don’t get the perfect elf?

I never claimed I would be hurt at all. I only visit the forums to request things I want.

no you need to do that people can change their mind and views freely. You just refuse to accept that and refuse to let it go but that is okay just move on and be happy in your little bubble and I will be happy in mine and we can disagree all we want.

They do with model + skin.
This is disingenuous of you to try and argue it is only about skin color.
it is about them having both model + skin

What is the high elf request then?
Pretty impressive to put yourself above everyone else


The male ones do.

which ones? When I checked all the NB skins are greys and blues, NE have some degree of purple to them. There’s one that’s about the same density but a different hue

This is what bothers me about the whole thing they claim it’s a request but it’s actually a demand. But hey our views do not matter with this crowd.

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Oh sweetheart, I have never cared what side anyone is on, I care about people like you not spreading misinformation, because with the situation we’ve been dealt, we’re more than justified in asking for additional options, so you can go throw your tantrum at the only people actually responsible for whatever you feel we did wrong: Blizzard.


So now we’re calling out and rallying people to ignore specific posters, directly comparing to and implying that other posters are “anti-vaxxers”, and straight up rabid-dog packing on anybody who even remotely disagrees with “Helfers” views.

You guys ask that other people respect your request and opinions, yet turn around doing the complete opposite, absolutely attacking and disrespecting the same people you’re demanding respect from. I’ve not seen this level of hypocrisy, degeneracy and toxicity on Blizzard related forums in a very long time. Disgusting…


My grey skinned Druid and my grey skinned Nightborne have approximately the same skin color.

Is it going to be the exact rbg code? Probably not. But it’s close enough. Meanwhile Void Elves are blue.

okay then moving along now I know you just trying to find higher ground now so you can feel superior, and stand on your soap box and bray all night long. Great have fun doing so.