New Customization Options for Blood Elves and Void Elves

You can say what you want or believe what you want I use to be for you all but your incessant bickering changed my mind and views over time. DEAL with it.

That Blood Elves are losing none of their options is NOT an opinion.

It is a bonafide fact and there is NOTHING you can say to refute that.

If you want to argue that Blood Elves are losing exclusivity to their skin tones, I’ll argue that they are not the only playable races in the game with those skin tones so they did not have exclusivity to them in the first place.

If you want to argue that Blood Elves are losing exclusivity to their skin tones among the playable Thalassian races, you’ll have a leg to stand on. A very superficial and petty leg, but a leg nonetheless.


No I think you really weren’t, I think you thought you were without looking into what we actually wanted, and then pretend to be outraged when we never really got anything close to a compromise until now, and even now it’s only a step in the right direction.


What does that have to do with the grossly disgusting set of comments that were made?

And nice strawman, since I’ve never made the argument that they’re losing something.

But again, you don’t care about people who have differing tastes than you, and keep trying to prevent others from using these forums to do what you have done for so long and inform Blizzard of their wants and concerns.


What ever you want to believe you people have been sour since BC and you have not let it go. Blizz never wanted to be a copy of Lord of the Rings and that is what YOU want and Demand. most still feel and act the same after all this time. even after you were told other wise.

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no doubt. my nelfs hands are so big, she looks like she has swollen hands when wearing cloth gloves.

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Nightborne. Obviously the male bodies are different. But the Blood Elves aren’t unique.

And there is way more overlap in skin tones, etc. For Nightborne.,

If you think they could be convicted of slander over this you are mistaken.

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Nope, never crossed my mind to suggest it was a legal case, just it’s a handy term for what he did there.

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Ever seen how bad Nightborne calves are in boots the muscles are so oversized for a race trapped in a bubble.

To me, their model looks completely different.

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If using slander incorrectly then yes

I believe the truth, like how we’ve always asked for what would make essentially everyone happy and step on the least amount of toes, and now we’ve gotten options that step on everyone’s toes.

Feel like if you ever really supported high elves you would of known that and why we’re asking for expanded options now, instead of throwing a tantrum and accusing us of being greedy and whiney.

Helps to educate yourself on the subject before flinging your finger around with blame my dear.

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The female model is exactly the same with flipped ears.

You do know that none of the 3 current nightborne skintones overlap with any current night elf skin tones, right?

When people use terms like “taking”, “stealing”, “losing” in regards to options being shared, that is spreading misinformation. Exacitor sought to compare that “spreading of misinformation” to how anti-vaxxers spread misinformation. It might have been an extreme comparison but it was not inaccurate.

And not for nothing, as a gay man, I’ve personally bit my tongue and avoided making certain extreme comparisons myself over the “outrage” some folks here are having over us being allowed to have the same thing they do. Interpret that as you will.


huh i have 3 nb. will go look. but check out my nelf’s hands on this char. huge. haha

I’ll interpret that as you having no sense of proportion and equating a differing of opinion of game matters with serious issues that actually hurt real people.

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 the fact that Blood Elves are not losing any of their current options is NOT an opinion.


I have that is why I stopped supporting you all. All I saw and heard was people wanted to be Legolas and be like Lord of the Rings, you want that go play the on line game and leave it out of wow.

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